(no subject)

May 01, 2002 20:49

The last couple days have been a tour de force of suckiness. Yesterday just sucked in every which way. I can't remember too much about it...but I don't really want to. I know it involved walking around in the rain a lot. And despite having a big test today, I couldn't sleep well at all last night because my dinner of grease, salt, sugar, and citric acid (instant yakisoba, bag of potato chips, bag of marshmallows, and apple Qoo respectively <--(although at least Qoo has 20% fruit juice, and now contains calcium!)) was making me sick. Ah, if only every night I had someone to cook real dinner for. Someone like...Kou! But speaking of whom, this morning as I went out the door I found what was essentially a rejection letter from her. I talked to her this afternoon, and basically she said that she's "probably" still in "love" with Ethan, and that it's "complicated" and that I'm a "good guy." Yeah, I know that! What does that matter when all girls are interested in are players? I mean, granted Ethan is a good guy too, but he doesn't care about her any more than he cares about any other girl. All he was interested in was getting laid. I mean hell, he even just hit on Kou on what was pretty much a dare, and she just happened to totally fall for him. I was told not to tell her about that though, because it would "break her heart." I just hope that for her own sake she'll realize it eventually, and maybe become a little less naive. Maybe I need to be quicker next time... I just didn't even realize I had any feelings for her until after they were together. At least I'm still on friendly terms with her. God damn she is pulchritudinous! And every time she says bye to me she makes this giggle, the meaning of which I cannot understand.
Oh well, on the upside I did laundry today -_- Actually, I'm here waiting for it to dry. I put 400 yen in the dryer this time (for 2 hours). So it better come out somewhat dry. What with all the knicknacks they're so fond of in Japan, you'd think they'd have dryers that actually dry things. I also found out from someone that tonight is plastic recycling night, and this time I didn't forget to put my trash out either! So I finally got rid of some 4 months worth of garbage that I had been saving. And I won a game of blitzball against the Kirika Beasts 15-0. And Tidus learned Jecht Shot 2. Gee, I feel sooo successful.
Tomorrow I'm going to karaoke with my class though. That's good, because I need that. I wish I coulda gone today though. I really need a good scream. But I can hold it til tomorrow. Going with my class isn't as good as going with friends though. I hope Jordan shows up at least, so I can sing anime songs with him. But he hasn't come to class all week, so he probably won't.

japan, games, girls, cleaning, food, life, sleep

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