I should write something but I don't feel like it

May 05, 2001 01:20

That being said...
Well, I got my big English paper done today. I wanted to name it "Edna Pontellier is M4d 5ux0r" But then I gave it something else that I can't remember.
And then I went to a movie. I went to see The Adventures of Joe Dirt, mainly because I thought they'd show the FF movie trailer with it, but it didn't. That's okay, 'cause I already watched the trailer about 6 times today, I just wanted to see it on the big screen. Anyways, I thought the actual movie would be a total waste of my time, but it wasn't. I mean, yeah it was full of stupid stuff, but it also had some kinda clever stuff, and a most entertaining story. And Christopher Walken was in it, and was really cool, and he wouldn't be in anything completely stupid so, yeah. I enjoyed it. And that's all I did today. Oh yeah, and I went to the dentist. I'm tired.

pain, movies, sas, school

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