I failed life

Jul 25, 2009 21:59

Was going through some old boxes of stuff and found a ton of memorabilia from my summer as an exchange student in Kagoshima when I was 15. These were just a few things I liked for odd reasons.

My class schedule (cropped). Why I liked this, I don't know. I guess because looking over it somehow brought back memories of those classes that I had otherwise buried.

This is far from the best example I have of my classmates' writing, but it was convenient to scan. The stuff about people thinking I seemed lonely sounds very accurate. That whole episode was probably the BIGGEST FUCKING FAIL of my life. Something that I will never again have the opportunity to redo (unless I go teach at a Japanese high school, but then it would be kind of sketchy). Basically, here I was surrounded by Japanese high school girls, many of them pretty cute, and all of them very interested in me and wanting to talk to me and hang out with me, and asking me things like "Do you have a parson that you fall in love?" And I indulged them a little bit, but was basically too shy to say much to any of them or do much of anything. I was a horrible little ball of failure. Not sure what the "E-ROTIC" stuff is about. Note also the Blizzard note pad that came with Starcraft (I think).

A letter that I guess my teacher made me write to the school. My Japanese probably wasn't good enough at that point to write a meaningful letter in it, hence the English. I love the hilariously noobish and uncritical gushing about how AWESOME Japanese schools are compared to American ones (in fairness, I still believe much about what I wrote in that letter, though I've developed a lot more criticism of the Japanese system as well).

And this one's really hilarious. Not exactly sure who "Mr. Shimomura" was, but I think he might have been the official from city hall who was in charge of looking after me. The best part of this, of course, is my admitting that everything I knew about Japan up that point I learned from anime. I can't believe I said that shit to a Japanese person. Embarassing. I suppose at the time it was true though. *sigh*

And then I admit I was completely bored at school. Which wasn't even entirly true thinking back on it. Some things like history class dragged on since I didn't know enough Japanese to keep up with that. But I could sort of follow in math and science classes. And between classes and before and after school, lunch and P.E. were all awesome--and could have been infinitely MORE awesome if I hadn't been all hikikomori-like.

japan, dorky, god dammit, kagoshima, scans, school, fail

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