Driving Giuliani

Dec 19, 2007 09:56

This was the dream I had last night. I was driving around in my car, not sure towards where, with Rudy Giuliani and Mitt Romney. Giuliani, riding shotgun, looked cranky. He had his glasses off, his eyebrows furrowed, and his lower lip jutting out. I think he had recently dropped out of the race, and hadn't even begun to get over it yet. Romney was also annoying the hell out of him.

Romney was in the back seat with black leather gloves on, and that creepy Patrick Bateman look plastered on his face. He didn't have his seatbelt on, and he kept leaning over the seat and blabbering nonsensically at Rudy and I (at least, I don't recall anything he said making much sense, but it was a dream after all). I would sometimes reply to him with feigned politeness, while Rudy would grunt or mutter something indecipherable.

At some point, Romney made us pull over at a Neiman Marcus for some reason so he could make a "campaign stop". We let him out at the front door and he started waving his hand at a few slightly confused but still pleasantly surprised patrons. I think Romney had also dropped out of the race, but he was in denial about it, and had gone schizophrenic.

Meanwhile, Rudy and I just drove around the parking lot. I asked him if he wanted to talk about it any. He said something along the lines of "Graagrragra rerghl IRAQ! grargraa rar 9/11!"
"And I kinda agree with you on that first part--I think you got that right," I replied, "but you can tell me honestly now, do you really think Iraq had anything to do with 9/11?" He just continued to mutter about 9/11.

Finally we got tired of waiting, and pulled back up in front of the store, grabbed Romney, and dragged him back into the car and drove off. That's all I remember.

I wonder what it all means. I wonder if it means Huckabee is going to actually win the nomination. I still don't think that will happen, but if it does I will be both boggled, and extremely worried. The man is scary. I mean, he even won me over the first time I saw him speak. It was when he was on Real Time with Bill Maher. I thought, "Wow, this guy is a fucking moron, but he sure is damn nice, and his pathos seems genuine." And hey, some of his positions would probably even lean to the liberal side, at least compared to Bush and the neocons. But when it comes down to it, he is THE "Christofascist" candidate. I don't think I could put up very long with a guy who gets voice mail for God, jokingly or not.

republicans, dreams, lolwhat

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