An update, a meme, and wtf LJ changed the update interface

Dec 13, 2006 23:19

Let's see...I basically finished my Japanese project. It came out to 33 pages, and since I printed it on heavy paper, my stapler totally fails at penetrating it. I'll have to take it to the library tomorrow, where there's a more powerful stapler that I can use.
I got about two paragraphs of the extra credit essay for AI done. I'm still not sure I'm going to finish it, but I really have no excuse not to, as I have a pretty good amount of time now that my algebra prof. ended up giving us a take-home final.

The algebra final... the entire first half is just the general version of a problem we had on a homework which was to prove that a group G such that |G|=49 is abelian. Well, the problem on the final is to prove that if |G|=p2 where p is prime, then G is abelian. I already did this, and the proof, while lengthy, was exactly the same as the one from the homework, just with every 7 replaced with p, and every 49 replaced with p2. It's a good thing I kept a rough draft of the proof I used for the homework, since he hasn't given us that homework back yet.
The rest of the exam consists of 7 easier problems, out of which we can pick 4 to do. I haven't nailed down exactly which 4 I'm gonna do yet, but they're all fairly easy.

If your life was a movie, what would the soundtrack be?

So, here's how it works:

1. Open your library (iTunes, Winamp, Media Player, iPod, etc)
2. Put it on shuffle
3. Press play
4. For every question, type the song that's playing
5. When you go to a new question, press the next button
6. Don't lie and try to pretend youre cool...
7. Post your results in the comments

Note: I didn't do this with all of my music, but rather a slightly limited subset of it. If I had used all of my music, probabilistically speaking, almost every song would have been some random anime background music, which would be rather boring.

Opening Credits:
Pixies - There Goes My Gun

Waking Up:
Mr. Ed Jumps the Gun - Smoke

Falling In Love:
菅野よう子 - be human

Fight Song:
Bright Eyes - I'll Be Your Friend [damn, that must be one wussy fight]

Peer Pressure:
菅野よう子 - The Real Folk Blues

Breaking Up:
Pixies - Tame

The Beatles - Strawberry Fields [like I would even go to any prom in the first place]

DarkMateria - The Picard Song [somehow this just works]

Tarkan - Hepsi Senin Mi

Mental Breakdown:
Pixies - I Bleed

光田康典 - 春の子守歌 [for driving?! I don't know about this...]

信田かすお - Next one [obscure anime background music, but it works]

Getting back together:
Gackt - wa・su・re・na・i・ka・ra

Radiohead - 2+2=5 (The Lukewarm.) [that must be one fucked up wedding]

Final Battle:
The Beatles - Doctor Robert [man, the fights in my movie must be really lame]

Death Scene:
Michael Jackson - Wanna Be Startin' Somethin' [okay, this is just getting ridiculous]

Funeral Song:
菅野よう子 - some other time [an improvement]

End Credits:
Vangelis - End Titles From Blade Runner [sweet! my movie is Blade Runner after all! I knew it all along]

ai, math, music, cs, meme, school

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