(no subject)

Jul 06, 2006 12:47

Why is it that secretaries and other administerial types insist on sending all e-mails with complex HTML formatting? I would just configure my mail program to render all e-mail as plain text, but ironically that sometimes makes it harder to read due to the extensive use of HTML as opposed to normal plain text conventions (using * for bullet points, etc).

Also, why must they do everything in MS Office? I mean, Office has its uses, but why do they need to attach something as a word document if the document just contains, well, just plain text? Or why must they attach an Excel spreadsheet containing something as simple as a rather short list of phone numbers?

Now back to work. I'm almost done with my first evar AJAXy application--an automatic draft-saving feature for the software we're working on.

email, work, programming

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