The Puffton Village (the place where I live) administration is breathing down my neck to to turn in some bullshit lease transfer paperwork. I told them that
annodomini is not continuing on the lease (though he already moved out months ago anyways), and since the lease ends on May 31, the have to do this lease transfer process to take him off of the lease.
However, if we don't find someone to replace him right away, we have to do one lease transfer to take him off the lease, and then a *second* lease transfer to put someone new on the lease once we find someone. The problem is that even though this technically doesn't happen until May 31, they're telling me that they want the paperwork NOW NOW NOW. I've been trying for weeks to find someone to take his place on the lease, but I don't think I'll be able to decide on someone and get the paperwork in for them before Puffton wants it. It's really rather unfair--not a lot of people are looking for apartments this time of year, so we don't get much of an opportunity to find the best candidate. Fortunately we do have a couple of possibilities, but now Puffton is telling me they want the paperwork, like, today--which is bullshit; they told me last week that I could have until the end of this week at the latest.
That's still cutting it pretty close though. My fear is that we're gonna get the paperwork turned in to take Brian off the lease, and then find someone to replace him almost immediately after, and turn in a second set of paperwork to get them on the lease. And then what, do two lease transfers within a couple days of each other? It's highly exploitative on their part, considering that each lease transfer costs $100. I wonder if we can avoid all this by just keeping Brian on the lease right now, and then doing the lease transfer later, once we actually decide on someone to replace him. I'll have to ask about that.
In other news, the jerkass who's currently in that room continues to owe me $160. Actually, make that $210 now--he owes me for May utilities. Actually, he might still owe me another $50 or so for April utilities as well, but I'll have to check my number books on that. If he doesn't pay me at *least* the $160 by the end of this week, I've decided I'm cutting off his access to utilities (by blocking his computer's MAC address on the router, and turning off the power for his room and putting a lock on the circuit box). He also needs to pay May rent now--but that's another problem entirely.