(no subject)

Oct 11, 2005 06:41

So, I was just finishing up what I need to do for this project I'm working on, but then for some reason my interests shifted and I decided to poke at some code I've been working on for, you know, just five or ten minutes or so. Well, three hours later, and it was already 6 A.M. Then I spent the next 40 minutes pacing around my living room plotting out exactly how I would survive the next three days. Hopefully that plan will work. Now I have to get back to finishing the work I was supposed to finish, oh, 4 hours ago now, I think. ...and that I could have finished by yesterday if I hadn't been lazy about it. (It's not like I haven't had plenty of time and really had to rush or anything. But the feeling of having more than enough time was...strange...so I had to artificially alter the situation.)

school, sleep, what, programming

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