Hey everyone! :D
Ohayocon was this past weekend! My friends and I had a great time, it felt like the con went WAY too fast though! I can't believe it's already over.
- Courtney and I left Chicago at 9 AM, it was a 6 hour bus-ride to Columbus. We got there around 5 PM and our friend Carroll (CKDecember) checked us in to our hotel room.
- Once Brenda and Megan got there, all of us went on a craaazy adventure to Target and Home Depot to get a few last-minute supplies. It was pouring rain and at one point we got lost on this really sketchy freeway exit. And we were attacked by a zombie ghost beaver.
- We tried running around Columbus to find food, and when I say running, I mean literally. In the pouring rain. Every restaurant was closed by that point so eventually we just went to the con center to hang out.
- Carroll took a few pictures of our casual Bat Family group, it was super fun even though we were just wearing t-shirts and stuff. :D And then we got yelled at by security because apparently the con center was closed but no one told us ohhh welllll.
- After that, Andrea and Tyler came back to our room to hang out and we didn't go to sleep 'till about 3 AM!
- ADVENTURE TIIIIIME! I got up at 8 AM to start painting myself, but I probably should've gotten up earlier since it took so long. Brenda and Megan got up a little after that and we all had a grand ol' body paint time while Courtney just got to chill since all she had to do was be a chubby bunny.
- The body paint was really frustrating. I tried using Mehron instead of Kryolan for Bubblegum, which involved mixing pink with white to get a light pink shade. It wouldn't blend properly and it was just not going well. Fortunately it turned out alright in pictures, but our group's decided that we're going to invest in an airbrush machine for the future.
- We finally made it to the con around noon, then we did photoshoots with Ari, Leonard, and Carroll. Our friend Alex let us borrow her Peppermint Butler plushie too!!
- We also did a video shoot with Ackson, you can see his full Ohayocon fan video
here! :D Kerry joined us as LSP and she was lumptastic!
- Eventually Courtney and Megan went to change. Brenda and I just stayed in Marceline and Bubblegum all day since we were having so much fun!
- We took Carroll out to dinner at Max & Erma's, still in cosplay, and our friend Chris came along too! It was awesome because we've always wanted to hang out with him at a con but we never had a chance to until this time around!!
- Finally we went back to the con center and stayed there for a lonnngggg time. I can't remember what time we went back to the hotel... It's all just sort of a blur. @_@
- YOUNG JUSTIIIICE!! I was so excited to wear my Miss Martian stealth suit! I had some issues with it not fitting properly since I ran out of fabric while making the legs, but overall I'm really happy with it! Plus it was SUPER comfy to wear! I didn't even have to wear shoes. 8D
- We did a shoot with LJinto, then we went to the big DC/Marvel gathering. That was probably one of my favorite parts of the con, everyone was just so enthusiastic about it (but not in an obnoxious way like a lot of other fandoms). There was an awesome Jason Todd cosplayer there too!! Be still my fangirl heart! Chris also joined us as Superboy since none of our regular Supeys could make it to the con. He was awesome and even had these perfect aqua contacts!
- We did more photo-takin' with Leonard and Carroll, and just relaxed a little bit. Brenda and I actually got bored enough at one point that we started break-dancing in the hallway. Then I started doing headstands while she was freezing. We coo'.
- Before and after dinner, we filmed some YJ skits! So make sure you're watching the
IMT channel for those.
- Eventually I got tired of my body paint and we all went back to the hotel to change. Courtney got into Peeta, Brenda was Wedding Yoko, Megan borrowed my Cheryl costume, and I was Rue. Then we hung out in Leonard's room and took pictures with bread. Yes, you read that right.
- Carroll herp-derp'd and booked the room until Monday, so we didn't have to deal with check-out in the morning! It was so nice!
- We got into our Kingdom Hearts costumes, while Brenda slept in a little since we were up until 3 AM again. I had to style my Kairi wig in the room because I was SUPER PREPARED for this con. 8D
- Met up with Leonard, took more pictures... Yeah, can you see a pattern now?
- The weather started getting pretty bad, so we hit the road around 3 PM to get back to Michigan. Brenda drove and Megan slept on me. And we got in a huge political discussion which was actually really fun!
- We dropped Megan off at her house and it was super sad because I miss her so mu-u-u-u-uuuuch. ;_____;
- Court's mom picked us up from Brenda's, then we went back to Court's house to sleep for a few hours before our bus back to Chicago left the next morning!
Overall it was a lot of fun. The con itself kind of sucks, I'm not gonna lie - none of us bothered to buy a badge or go to any panels or anything like that. But the atmosphere is just so laid-back that we really enjoy going, since we get to actually hang out with people. Most cons we're running back and forth and we never get a chance to just chill with our other friends, so it's nice to be able to do that every now and then! :]
Next up is Animarathon in March! Right now I think it may just be Brenda and me going, since Courtney is going to MLG that weekend, and I'm not sure what Megan's plans are. All I know is I'm glad to have a little break! @_@ Finishing everything for Ohayocon has made me so exhausted!
But it was great getting to meet so many of you at the con! :D I hope everyone who went had a great time!!