{ contrary to popular belief, i'm alive! }

Oct 29, 2011 11:29

I'm sorry I've been so MIA for the past few months, everyone! School started up again and I've been a busy bee. Not to mention I've had so much to do to get ready for Youmacon! The con is in 4 days and I still have so much to do for my costumes... It'll be a miracle if I can finish everything in time!

For those of you going, here's my cosplay schedule for the weekend!
Thursday: Gwen Cooper
Friday: Princess Kraehe (Odile); Fawn
Saturday: Miss Martian (both her uniform and her civvies)
Sunday: Rarity

If you see me please come say hi~! :D

In other news, I've apparently decided that I love stress and deadlines, so I'm participating in both NaNoWriMo and superwho-bb. For NaNo, I'm going to do my best to finish Heaven Give Me Say, and then for the SuperWho Big Bang, I'm writing a Supernatural/Torchwood crossover. Fun stuff!

And hopefully once Youmacon is over I'll be able to be more active on LJ... Fingers crossed!

conventions, life update, stress is my kryptonite, cosplay

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