This post will remain public :)
I know I'm late.. @_@;; but better late than never right?
Anyways I had this planned since last month or so, to do a pic spam on Ohno's bday.. (which unfortunately I am 2 days late! XD)
I'm late in posting because I had problems with the lag the gifs are causing if I post too much in one entry, so I decided I will split them into different parts duuh. *smacks self How come I didn't think of it sooner... =_____= I wasted my time trying to fix that prob...pssh... Stupid me.
Anyways since I have more than 100 gifs made, I'll try to fit the rest in the 2nd part.
Also, instead of spamming screencaps, I decided to make some Ohno icons instead out of em :D I will make icons of the other 4 guys too ufufuufufu..I will post them sometime this week.
I don't have much lj friends who likes Arashi, but those who do, enjoy browsing ^__^b
Ohno gif spam Part 1!!!
Are ya read for this? :O
Some random Ohno quirks
Smiley Ohno
Ouch xD
The faces he
Random spazzing
Kaibutsu-kun! :D
Shared by
xxjimu :3
Thank you for sharing these awesome gifs 8D
This one is so adorable xD
ROFL, this one so cute too 8D
Evil plan in process...
Who can resist Riida?
I just realized he wasn't even holding any coins xD
Yes, Riida throws tantrums lol
Look forward to part 2!! :D
☆ Spread the Ohno love :P
HERE Enjoy, and if you guys have more Ohno gifs feel free to spam me some. 8)
You can never have enough Ohno gifs lulz