May 06, 2005 00:01
Well, Scott got kicked off yesterday, and that was just music to my ears. I've been thinking a lot, and I think that Vonzell is going to win the competition. I have my reasons...just ask if you wanna know them!! Ok, so I can tell that this weekend is going to be hell for me. I have a final draft of a paper due on monday, a chem test next week, and two music theory packets. It doesn't seem that bad but it is. Saturday I have the Revlon walk, and then I come home and clean my house for the FORUM REUNION! It'll be tons of fun, and I'm really excited. Sunday, I have Hebrew High, tutoring, and I'm going out with Yael. The rest of the time will be HOMEWORK TIME...So that's this weekend, and then next weekend is Max's Shabbat dinner and ITN!! And then sunday will be the festival at woodley park. So that'll be a USY fun-filled weekend. Haven't had one of those in awhile...But this week overall I guess was ok. Today, for some reason, everyone was really bitchy and in bad moods. I dunno what the hell was going on. It wasn't just students, but teachers as well. So, Marriage of Figaro isn't going well, and we're freaked that it's not going to be ready on time. But I know Steph will work her magic...and everything will be fine. O, Friday is tomorrow...I love my friday arts class...Acting for Singers. Just love it. And then I can come home and sleep/do homework to get it out of the way. I'll see how I feel. Kk, bye kidz!