It's 12:15 am and I'm WIRED mentally, I've got people waiting on me to blog about this, and I have to be at the dentist by 7:30 am for a couple fillings... but no, I'm actually not complaining!
Note: Slight spoiler about one line from the episode.
I could not have imagined that tonight would happen. As most of you know by now, the Doctor Who contingent are doing massive publicity now that Matt Smith and Karen Gillan have made their debuts on the show. This Doctor Who screening of the Eleventh Hour and Q&A hosted by BAFTA courtesy of BBC America was kept very hush hush and I only found out about it yesterday. Very last minute, my friend Kate pulled some strings with people she knew who were friends with some BAFTA members. We didn't even know if we would be allowed to get in. It was about 5:00 pm and we were ready to call it quits because we hadn't heard anything, but then at about 10 after, she emails me - "Waitz. We're in." My answer - "WAIT, WHAT??" Because Matt, Karen, and Steven Moffat were all going to be there.
I got to the Landmark Theater in West LA with plenty of time to spare, even having time for some food. Met up with Kate afterward. One thing I really loved about all this was that it was not publicized, so it did not feel like the mad desperate rush of Comic-Con. It was brilliant when Russell T. Davies just strolled past us. We knew where to go because all we had to do to find the theater was to follow the tall Welshman. After waiting a bit for Kate's friend, we entered the theater. I recognized a guy I've often seen at Gallifrey One, Tim, and we had a fun brief chat.
After a brief introduction, they started the episode. It was amazing to see it in HD on the big screen just like a movie. I caught little details I'd previously missed, both audio and visual. (I caught that The Doctor said "Thanks, dear," to the TARDIS when she gave him a new sonic screwdriver.) The Q&A was hosted by Geoff Boucher, awesome writer for the LA Times whose blog can be found here:
http://www.herocomplex.netI took a few notes.
Matt said they were all flabbergasted by the reaction they got in NYC yesterday (Wednesday). It was their first time in the city and they were amazed by all the tall buildings and bustling activity. It really amuses me how they are still blown away by the fact that Doctor Who actually has gained quite a following in the United States! When asked about his process for acting as The Doctor, he said that any artistic process has to remain present. He just follows his instincts in the most truthful way. There are multitudes of avenues you could take, and the possibilities are so vast that there is no avenue you can't explore. It's the greatest role on British TV and it's still all very surreal. Patrick Troughton is his favorite Doctor and "Tomb of the Cybermen" is his favorite episode. I even caught him doing the sort of Patrick Troughton scowl a couple times. Intentional? Probably not :)
Karen explained that she likes that we already have a strong connection with Amy/Amelia since we meet her as a little girl, and then we get to see her as very skeptical having grown up already let down once by The Doctor. She thinks it's very interesting to get to know her that way.
Steven Moffat is just a big wonderful Doctor Who geek. He says this is the job he's wanted since he was 7 years old, so he writes The Doctor from a childlike standpoint. He has a "ridiculous crush" on The Doctor. As well he should. He's a superhero not just to Steven, but to most of us. They talked a little about the audition process for Matt, and how the auditions took place in small dingy hotels in London. A lot of it I'd heard on the Confidentials.
Afterward was a wine reception with chocolate-covered cheesecake and brownies, a bunch of cheeses, and other delicious little bits. I drank some wine, and was reminded why I don't like alcohol. It made my face turn completely red... well, faster than it would have if I hadn't been so excited and still in shock about where I was. I just went up and introduced myself to Karen and she was so sweet! I mentioned about how last year at Comic-Con RTD pointed out my friend Matt during the Torchwood panel as the first Eleventh Doctor costumer, and she got this look of recognition on her face. She said "Oh! That guy! We talk about him at work all the time!" I knew right then that I had to call Matt and see if she would say something to him. She said she'd be happy to! I got his voice mail and she left him a very nice message. He was a bit upset he hadn't been there to pick up the phone, but then he wouldn't have gotten the recording. By the way, she is SO TALL.
Matt Smith was surrounded by people most of the time, not surprisingly, but it was good because they seemed to be people he knew, mostly. I was really shy to even say anything to him even though I got a really nice cool guy vibe from him. I got to shake his hand and tell him he was brilliant but he was running to the bathroom, I realized. I did talk to Steven Moffat for a minute, told him I loved the new stuff and mentioned that James Moran was in town last week for the Streamys.
I stayed and chatted with Kate and her friends for a little while longer. She was determined to help me get a picture with Matt. I don't know what came over me that I just couldn't be bold enough tonight to ask him myself. Maybe I didn't want to stand out as just a silly fan among professionals. (Yet I was able to approach Karen. Maybe it's a girl thing. Matt Smith is pretty cute in person.) So Kate went out of the bar, as Matt was leaving the party. Stupid autograph hounds were lying in wait with big glossy photos. I felt so bad because I didn't want to be lumped in with those idiots, but Kate ran over to Matt and straight up asked him if she could take a picture of the two of us. I remember saying, "I'm terribly sorry," because I really didn't want to hold him back when he was trying to leave, but he said it was all right and he tightly put his arm around me and smiled as Kate snapped the picture. I'm happy with the result. :)
We stuck around just a bit longer in the bar, then headed home. I do know how incredibly lucky I was, and I will be forever thankful for this experience.
Now if only I didn't have to get up early for the dentist tomorrow morning. ;)
Amy and The Doctor XD
Karen Gillan, and me looking very very pink.