Apr 04, 2006 12:45
I don't remember the last time I really updated. I think I felt better when I use to update more. It's like I get things out of me and into the world or something.
Lately there has been something wrong with me. I just can't stand the way our society is. I can't stand religious fanatics (mostly christians forcing there religion upon everyone). Life seems as though it is a paradox. To live you have to have money, to get money you have to have a mode of transportation so you can get a job, to get the mode of transportation you have to have money for it. Allready you are in debt to someone, and you haven't even started life yet. I mean I guess we could walk everywhere, but the way our society is built it is impossible to do so. I'm not against technology, I also embrace the conviences that we have created for ourselves. But something seems so fundementaly wrong with our society. Mostly because of the whole enslaving issue and how it was never really resolved. I can only imagine how different our culture and government would be if they just hadn't been greedy, capitalist, assholes. We would probably live more peacefully here. I feel so strongly about people's liberties and how our government keeps on taking away our freedom's in the name of freedom (which doesn't make anysense what so ever). They lie, cheat, and steal all the while keeping the public blind to it or just trying to keep us dumb enough not to be able to understand what is really going on. And the one's who do understand what is going on or silenced by the governement. We live in a "totalitarian democracy". It's really starting to piss me off and make me very depressed. I feel so torn cause I want to do something so badly about it, but right now I'm trying to focus on other parts of my life. My problem is I'm so ambitious about so many things in life that I twist myself in a million directions to try to accomplish all of them. While slowly slipping into some kind of insanity. I've told myself before to try to take one or two things on a time, and postpone things till a later time when I can give them full attention but it never seems to work. I think I'm going to take a break from political studies, what is going on in the news, studying history. It is going to just have to take a back seat until I'm mentally capable of working on it, and trying to help the situation. Cause I want to help, not only to save my ass but to help others cause it is wrong for things to be the way they are.
So I guess I'll be dropping my history class, since it has sparked so much turmoil inside of me.
I'm not sure that I'll be going to tenn. anymore. I'm thinking up north, to an original colony. I want to look into it more though.
I finshed recording a song and when I can put it up on here I will. I'm also writing another one here is the lyrics thus far (atleast the ones I like)
I tuned into the world today
what I thought, all washed away
exposing hands corupt with decay
contridicting what you say
what lies beneath choices you've made
please make this all go away
I hope to have this finished and recorded this summer, or at least something else. I got a lot of songs to work on, and improve upon.
In other news, I still really like my apartment. Don't have internet yet. Love living with Katy. Never bought bar stools. Been hearing weird things in the apartment (which often freaks me out a lot). I have found or put together some sense of spirituality.
I'm outie 5000!