Jul 06, 2005 14:51
Well, the 4th of July was pretty alright, I guess. It wasn't anything TOO terribly exciting...but it was great to spend it with some of the people I love. I wish there was a way that I could spend it with my mom AND dad but that'll never happen, heh. On Sunday, we went out to one of my uncles house and had our own little celebration for the kids and for us, I'm not gonna lie. I freaking love big fireworks. The kind that you shoot out of a tube, I love the sound. I think its more about the explosion and the sound than it is about what they look like, although I really like that, too. Anyway, we did that, while everyone and their mom was drinking, which I really don't like to be around, although I endure it. I wish for once my dad could do something without drinking alcohol. I think he's addicted and its kinda frustrating because he won't stop no matter what I say to him. He gets drunk and he will inevitably get bitchy about something. This time it was "niggers", not to offend anyone who reads this. That is possibly the most uncomfortable word I could ever hear. He was talking about Tammy's daughter liking black guys and how she's a "nigger lover" and how her daughter is no more a "nigger" than a "cracker". It was all just pretty pathetic and ignorant. Cant say anything about it, though, because he'll just get equally as pissed at you and make the situation that much more uncomfortable. Anyway....the fireworks were really good, and Jessica actually got to come out and watch them when I thought she wouldn't. That was making it not as fun of an event for me, but she showed up out of nowhere and then I was happy. She liked them, I think, although I don't know if she likes my family all that much because they're kinda...drunks. I know I don't like it. My cousin supposedly got so drunk and shit that he was just sitting there and started throwing up all over the place. Apparently he didn't even say anything or try to move, he just started throwing up. Just the thought of it makes me sick. I don't know how pathetic you have to be to sit and throw up on yourself. Or how about not knowing that you've had enough? Personally, I think they all drink because they think it makes them look cooler. I think it makes them look like they don't know how to grow up. Anyway, That was the end of that night, nothing too special happened.
On monday, I went out to Lake Reba with Jessica and her family to watch the city fireworks show. It wasn't as hot out there as I thought it would be, probably because there was a pretty massive storm coming close. The wind from that was keeping everything cool. I didn't like the lightning all that much, though. I got to meet her..nephew? Tristan and he's a pretty adorable kid. We took him to the park and played with him for a while. I love kids, a lot. Getting to play with them is a lot of fun other than the fact that they never get tired and I do. They run, run, run and I run, ru-walk, walk. Anyway, he had a good time, and thats what counts. The fireworks were not AS good as they were before, but still pretty good. I think the weather that was coming in really messed them up. They had some that didn't work, and some that weren't on time. The opening was pretty spectacular, and it made me smile. It didn't matter too much, I just wanted to spend time with jessica and hope she had a good time.
Yesterday, I went fishing at her house for a little while. Thats pretty much all I did yesterday. I caught 4 bass, but one doesn't count because it wasn't even as long as my finger. The first one I caught was about a pound, then the other two were probably a little bit less. I had fun though, wish it hadn't gotten dark so quick and she didn't have to go to bed so she could get up early for work.
Today, I haven't done much of anything. I've been contemplating building something for the hell of it. I want to build a unit for my race pedals, see how well I can do that. I don't know what we'll do later. I want to go camping, too. I haven't been in such a long while, and I am dying to get away from town and just enjoy nature, again. I think I just need to live in a cabin in the woods, so long as it has cable internet and Cable TV, heh.
We watched a few movies over the weekend, two of which were good, one of which was just retarded. Hostage is a pretty damn good movie, in my opinion. If you haven't seen it, go get the DVD. Bruce Willis does a pretty good job in it, and it has one of the most amazing scenes, image wise, that I've seen in some time. I didn't think a burning man could ever be beautiful. The Italian Job was the other good movie, but I'm sure you've all seen that cuz its like 2 or 3 years old. I hadn't ever seen it even though I wanted to, so I rented it and liked it.
The sucky movie is called Trauma. Its one of the most retarded movies I've ever seen. The story is far too broken to be coherent, and none of the shit in it really makes any sense. Then, its in England (I assume, they all have english/irish accents) but then theres Mina Suvari with her American accent just popping out of nowhere. Anyway, its a horribly done movie that isn't interesting, isn't any sort of thriller like it advertises, and leaves you saying "why did I watch this and waste two hours of my time?".
Been thinking about my brother, lately. I've been getting this feeling that he really doesn't wanna be in Texas anymore. Any time I talk to him, he doesn't seem very happy and always seems to be "bored". I have this feeling inside me that he's not really where he wants to be. I think it was good for him to get away for a while, but I believe he wants to be back here where everyone he loves is. I think it would be better for him to be around here living on his own vs. living in Texas on his own where he's got noone he can really depend on. Here, he knows he has someones help if he needs it. There, he's alone, and has nothing to do and no one that he knows really well that he can hang out with. Like, on the 4th he told me that they went to someones house where he didn't know anyone. I want him to have an enjoyable time, not be alone all the time. I don't know if this girl he's with really knows how to have a real relationship, but I guess if he really is happy, then I'm happy for him, but if he isn't, I'm pretty sad and wanting to do something about it.
So, I updated. Everything else in life is good, I'm good, 11 months this month. I'm out.