Mar 21, 2009 22:58
I just reached the end of my stamina. Since Tuesday I've spent every day working full time, then spending another four hours (minimum) doing unpacking, and dishes, and laundry. I've also been helping Allan and my mother move boxes to and from cars. During this time I've been trying to schedule moving days; have been trying to manage to subsist day-to-day with not much money to work with; have dealt with a remarkably high number of personal insults and threats, and have been trying to work towards a resolution via mediation; have been trying to figure out my place in a brand new job, with a brand new job title, during a department-wide re-org; and today I just started my period, again.
This last part was the final straw. I managed to unload one last load of clean dishes -- and was trying to get another load of laundry out of the dryer when I realized that I just can't do any more tonight. I don't even know where my painkillers are, and I'm too tired to go get some from the store. (Not to mention I probably can't afford the extra expense right now.) I am way too full up on physical, emotional, and mental stress.
So the rest of the night is dedicated to curling up in my bed, reading one of the few books that isn't in a box, and then passing out. If I can convince myself that I have enough energy, maybe I'll even take a bath.