New journal with its shiny and slimy username. This is what happens when I decide to check random journal names for availability. Still. I dig it. Very much so.
As for actual things happening, there's some. Mom's been away for little under a week now, vacay-ing in Alabama. She keeps calling in all the damn time. As if her near-60-year-old brother, 50-year old husband, 18-year-old daughter, and 14-year-old son can't survive a day without her. ...Well. Alex maybe. Since he's a total schmuckface, but I'm here to make sure the house doesn't burn down or anything. Teeeeeechnically he's supposed to be grounded from all electronics over the latest stunt he pulled, but. I'm too lazy to get out of my room all that much so. I know he's watching TV. I don't care that much. He's keeping himself clean, fed, and breathing. Anything other than that - not my problem.
Otakon~ is coming up soon too. Itinerary as follows.
Wednesday, August 6th
-leave house 10:45 AM
-catch 11:30 ferry to city
-take (1) subway to Chinatown
-purchase ticket at bus station
-wait for next available bus
-arrive in Philadelphia [2:30-3:30 PM]
-catch cab to Sheep's dorm
-proceed to live it up for the night with Sheep & Ant
-crash on Sheep's couch
Thursday, August 7th
-??? (aka Sheep's planning that shit)
-arrive at hotel [1:00-2:00 PM]
-flail at everyone
Allow for a couple days of PURE AWESOME and then back to New York City I go. 'Tis certain to be a wonderful adventure. Just have to make sure Alex takes care of Pistachio while I'm gone. Damn shut-in hermit cat.
...I need to pack. And clean my room. And possibly sleep as it's now 8:00 AM. |D;;;;