I went to Universal Studios with Meilin, Jennifer, Anna, and Chris. My estimate of how much time I need to get ready is horrible. Woke up around 7:30. and couldnt go back to sleep, so I watched the news, and started to get ready around 8:15. I was running around trying to get my stuff, then Meilin called, saying her bird flew away and that we might not go. Felt helpless and then retarded because it was all a joke. And I was srsly worried...that I wouldnt get to go to Universal Studios! jkjk. I was worried about the bird. Ran/walked over to Meilin's house, cause they were rushing me. Got scared of a dog on a leash. Gave Meilin her prezzie, and auf to Universal we go! In the car, I realized I forgot to put on my contacts, but I lived. The City Walk is a horrible drop off point, before going into the park, because of the amount of distractions! Even when all the stores are still closed! Eventually, we got to the ticket area, took some jumping pictures and in we went.
We're not even in the park yet!
After the maze attraction. Every year I go in there, every year I am still scared. Half the time my head was down clinging to Chris/Jennifer, and the other half screaming my ass off because I looked up.
All five, up inside.
Visited English landmarks.
As the English would say it. Kiss my arse.
Prayed a bit before going on dangerrous rides.
Praying didn't work, we were attacked by sharks a few moments later. Chris literally climbed into the mouth. I'm jeluz. And I looked retarded in the picture, who wouldn't my ass was virtually eaten away!
Did some life saving.
Going down to the fun rides. Mummy coaster and Jurassic Park. Actually I took this picture while we went up. Shh..dont tell.
Distracted on our way down.
We rode the Mummy coaster thrice. Jurassic Park once. We got rly wet. While waiting for technical difficulties, they were playing trivia on the overhead, and Chris won a priority pass to the front of the line on one ride.
Breaking elevator laws.
Back up for lunch.
Waiting for my lunch. Trying to drink as much soda while inside the gate, so I can get extra refills. My nose is appealing. :P We found a flaw in the system, which allowed us to get refills, but then the resturant found out and put a person on watch there. D: After a while, the guard person left, but I was too scared to go in by myself.
After lunch we went to play in the ball pit. Vair vair fun. And little kids are assholes, while equiped with spongeballs.
Meilin's story, the little girl covered the hole with her hand and didn't let Meilin use it. So Meilin took her balls and walked away. We are rly mature.
After the ball pit. V. V. V. fun. I got soaked seconds I went in there. Little kids are more vicious with waterguns. They shoot you in the face. Meilin recruited one guy with the better water guns to shoot us. We got her back, and the guy too. And little kids kept asking me to use the better waterguns minutes after I use it. Why do I have to be so nice?
Soaked, and getting Dippin' Dots. My first time evar. Dippin Dots ~virgin~.
On our way to Studio Tour
Our guide. I like their lame jokes.
Took many tour pictures, but they're boring.
A real movie filming!
Someone famous? We speculate that it might be Sandra Bullock.
I got stopped by the press on my way off the tour.
The real sign doesn't look this good.
They're closing the ride down! I don't know whether to be sad or happy. The ride always gave me a headache afterwards. And it might mean they will put a Harry Potter ride or sumthin. ooer. Goodbye Back to the Future
Go into a fight on the way to Shrek 4D
Yay, it was a good day!