Dec 23, 2002 09:20

This was stolen from a newsgroup... Sort of how I feel right now, but put aside the nasty, crude comments about Jesus never existing. He was a pretty cool guy. I don't have my problems with him, I have my problems with some of his followers.

Christmas is over
Now we can laugh again
Christmas is over
Now we can live again
We that try to celebrate every day
the rest of the year

All this for a birth of one man
that probably never has been born
a son of a god that doesn't exist
Oh, how he would have laughed
at worshippers of this sadistic god
A god cruel among cruel gods
Who's really the fool, cries the jester
Who's putting their faith in an insane mirage

All this for the life of greedy men
that probably laugh their false hearts out
They cheat people the whole year around
How demented they must laugh
at worshippers of the mammon god
A god cruel among cruel gods
Who's really the fool, cries the jester
Who's putting their faith in an insane venture


Yes, call it opium for the masses
But for you that don't appreciate irony
I'll call it bullshit, call a spade a spade
Christmas is over, thank God
Or... I should perhaps thank the devil
God probably wants it to last the whole year
Loving his subjects deaf, mute and blind

Christmas is finally over
My friend, you smiled with all the gifts
under the tree, inside your warm house
Why don't you anymore, my friend?
Is there now a season for smiling, too
Or do you dislike my smile
Who's really the fool, cries the jester
Who's putting all their faith in this world's glitter

Civilization is over
No more belief in saviors outside ourselves
No more denial of our inner, unique self
Both our strength and weakness are our own
No power from the devil, no submission before any god
One more mile beyond the next mountain
We're sitting next to the fire
Each new day is a celebration

Now we can laugh again...
Now we can live again...
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