All you need is love❤
Here's an elementary scenario.
❧THEM: Stressing about finals? Life sucks? (Of course it does. You're on fucking Livejournal.) Have your past entires been full of EMO?
❧YOU: Want to help your livejournal friends but never know what to state in a comment? Don't know 'em in person? Here's how we spread the looooooooooove.
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-your sense of humor. It's a welcome break from the more mundane stuff
-that haro. I've said it before, but it's almost inspirational to always see him, no matter how down you may be feeling as you type your entry. Keep on flapping, Haro ♥
You like a lot of cool stuff!
Haro Enthusiast♥
and asdjklasdjksa Shinji in your icon :D
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