Fff your icons have this nice.."glow" to it? Anyways it was your icons that got me into Karneval♥Anyways I cannot think of any criticism, I just really adore your shading and colors.
your icons have a very unique style, and i like that. they used to be a little overly-contrasted, but you seem to have gotten over that with some nice filters.
I love Karneval, it's so cute. ♥ I'm glad I got somebody interested in it.
i especially love your cropping, it's awesome.
like even just two or three icon posts back they are disgusting i am so ashamed of them.
THANKS BABY cropping used to be a huge issue for me and I never know what people are ~into~ so it's nice to know at least a few people like it.
They're not HOLYGEEZ bright, but they're not terribly dark. c:
You really know how to bring the subjects to life and how you blend colors, :)!
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