20% or, dare I say, '45%' finished with coding the new site ;D

Jan 31, 2008 13:21

So, as the title suggests, I am about 45% done with coding my new blog. The following has been done:
  • header design
  • general layout design
  • CSS (for navigation, entries, general content ONLY)
What still needs to be done:
  • CSS for comments, forms, + sidebar
  • content for the "visitor" + "links" sections
  • installing + configuring WP plug-ins (if any)
  • CONVERTING THE SITE TO WP (oh, how I loathe the day...)
I just realized all the crap I still have to do while I was typing that out hahaha. Anyway, this is the first time I'm actually using all divs in my layout (I usually use tables or 'positioned' tables depending on the layout). But yes, I am growing somewhat up and leaving the Transitional HTML behind and moving onto greener pastures a.k.a. XHTML.

I coded the layout on my laptop though, which, unfortunately, cannot be hooked up to the internet due to the lameness of the security of our internet. WTF... Why do we have a network key anyway? And I can't seem to find the network key anywhere atm. So, the site may or may not be coded correctly on my laptop since I have yet to do the validation check at w3.org (which is super handy sometimes btw). I might give you a preview a little later of the layout. I took a screenshot of it yesterday out of pure boredom since I couldn't connect to the net on EITHER computer (my mom forgot to pay the cable bill haha). I laugh now, but being without the internet for just 2 days nearly drove me out the window.

Anyway, that's all. I'm dead tired right now. I woke up to an alarm going off because my mom opened the basement door without turning off our house alarm >__>;; she always does that.

site progress, wordpress, coding is a bitch, xhtml, w3.org

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