Oh, websites...

Jan 07, 2008 22:10

I'm making a new layout for the Super Junior fanlisting (LOL... it's about time, right?) I think it's been over a year since I've changed the layout. The fanlisting officially opened in August '06 so technically it's been well over a year ^^;; Oh, man.

Anyway, here's a quick preview of how the main image is going to look like...

Oh, and something really funny slash frustrating for me is that I didn't notice that there were only 12 members in the photo I used for the layout until after I had already started working on it =__=" So, who's missing? KYU HYUN T___T omg and he's my favorite member!!! WTF!!!! Damn SuJu and its 13 members!! UGH. Note to self: When making a layout for the SuJu fanlisting, remember to count the number of people in the picture. I hope no Kyu fans who come to the fanlisting decide to spam my email with "There's 13 members in Super Junior, how come Kyu Hyun isn't on the layout?" because then I would be forced to reply with "Because I was fucking lazy and had already started making the layout and there was no way IN HELL that I was going to redo it." Well, truth be told, laziness is one factor, but the main reason why I won't redo it is because I already had a design concept I liked. If I used a picture with all 13 members I would have to change that concept and I'm already fine with the one I have.
AND DON'T WORRY. I'm not done with the layout haha. Editing the image is finished, I just have yet to put it into an actual layout. So, hopefully by next week or so it will be up. I say NEXT WEEK because I'm redoing the layout I have up for Hotaru. He deserves more love ^__^ Plus, the initial layout I put up (you can gaze in wonder @ the ugliness here) was hurriedly put together because I didn't have any manga scans to work off of and, instead, had to work with a screenshot I took from the anime myself. And I am not the type to work well with screenshots of any kind when making layouts. (It's all about scans, baby!!!)

Anyway, right now I'm still in the process of gathering scans I'm going to be using in the layout and writing up some information about Hotaru. It's kind of funny, I have multiple fanlistings for characters/series that I haven't written information pages for for months, and yet I'm going to be doing Hotaru's first and he's one of the newest character/series fanlistings I've opened >__>;;

Biased much? Yeah. Yeah, I am. Hotaru's kick ass.

Well, that's all from me today~~~ I'm going to go listen to some Super Junior now xD I seriously will love those boys until my death LOLZZZZ

wtf is this?, i are stupid, super junior, websites, work work work, samurai deeper kyo: hotaru

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