I was reading some headlines @
Yahoo a few days ago, and it said that Oprah's yearly income is like $260 million dollars. WHAT...THE...FUCK. I mean, $1 million a year would be fucking ridiculous.... but she's making so much more money than the effing PRESIDENT!!! x___x omfg, that salary is RIDICULOUS. Ridiculous, I tell you!!!
I was reading a pretty funny webcomic last week... It's updated weekly so the project is ongoing still ^^ anyway, it's called
Honeydew Syndrome. It's about school life and revolves around this "jock" and "emo" guy... although the emo kid really isn't emo... and the jock guy is nicer than most jocks are (...those fucking a-holes). Anyway, as a warning (in case you don't like shounen-ai) the story suggests it, but there really isn't any, but it really does make you wish it did T__T" It's just the relationship between 2 very different guys in high school. I think Metis, the main character, is probably my favorite. He's the so-called "emo" kid, but he's funny and he doesn't give a rat's ass what anyone thinks about him. Charles, his best friend, is my second favorite solely because he's a sarcastic bastard XD third would be the "jock", Josh. I don't know what to say about his personality, but he is not like any jocks that went to my fucking high school. If they were all like him, I guess I wouldn't have disliked jocks so much. Cheerleaders still suck though heheh ^^
Last night I stayed up until 7am (well, technically it was this morning then haha) reading manga on my computer in my room ^^;; and then I woke up around noon because my mom called. If you call me and I have to wake up to answer the phone I get really, really pissed off. And I stay like that until I eat breakfast haha. But having someone call you as a wakeup call when you haven't had a decent night's sleep is just horrible. Of course, it's not the other person's fault, it's your own, but I still can't stop myself from sounding like a bitch on the phone haha
Ughh.... I'm bored.