Jun 20, 2007 14:57

I finally finished that new layout for my ZOMBIE-LOAN fanlisting :D you can view it here. I'm in the midst of translating the character profiles =__=;; I wish they were easy like it was for Nabari no Oh's *sobs* but instead of listing the information, it's in a freaking paragraph... and paragraphs screw me over. Oh yeah, and don't ask me why the splash page for the site looks better than the actual main site >__>;; it just turned out that way dammit!!

I need to make a layout for another fanlisting still x__x;;; gaahhhhhh I'm so lazy.

I started watching Kiss Dum yesterday. It's an anime about.. something along the lines of the "end of the human race".. but so far it's good. I usually don't watch sci-fi anime series, but I thought I'd give it a try. And I started downloading Overdrive, another anime of course, but this time this one is about biking (like professional biking). But um... I think I only downloaded it because I thought it might encourage me to get off my ass. But I haven't watched any of it yet so I have yet to find out if that'll actually work :D

anime, websites

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