Mar 30, 2007 01:00

So, I was sitting in my car, minding my own business (actually, I was waiting for my next class and working on coding the new layout for my fanlisting collective, which is up right here!) and all of a sudden I hear this buzzing noise and I turn and see a fucking wasp that flew in my window T__T if you don't know me, I AM DEATHLY AFRAID OF INSECTS AND BUGS... anything with more than 4 legs or anything that looks creepy pretty much ^^;; anyway, so I was staring at this wasp and then I noticed this HUGE SPIDER that was inside my car right by the window X__X (that was the part where I almost died...) but it didn't look like a normal spider... you know, some spiders don't look all that bad but this spider was like... CRAZY LOOKING. It was all fat and small with it's legs and IT WAS STARING RIGHT AT ME! And it had this weird thing on its head... I'm not sure if it was it's mouth, but if it was it kept opening and closing it ><;;;

So, as I was staring at this thing, I noticed the people in the car right next to me staring at me and I was like, "Uhh... do they think I'm looking at them? I hope not. Because right now I look like a stalker..." hahaha.

Anyway, the drive home seemed ENDLESS. I rolled down all my windows hoping the wasp flew out (I'm still not sure if it flew out or not) but either way, it made the situation with the stupid creepy spider even worse because the wind made it want to go to MY SIDE of the car v___v;; oh god it was so creepy. You should have seen me haha... I was all cowering on my side of the car while driving (WHICH ISN'T VERY SAFE, LEMME TELL YOU THAT) but gosh I thought it was going to come to my side... but it ended up chilling in the vents on the passenger side T__T so... right now I don't know where the spider is anymore. I just hope it didn't stow away in one of my bags and I unconsciously brought it into my bedroom (which coincidentally has a lot of trash so it'd be easy to hide...) DAMN SPIDERS! DAMN YOU! I only like Daddy Long Legs spiders because they don't look creepy haha. I kill all the other ones though.

Well, back to the spider, I was searching online to try and find out what kind of spider it was (it had a red or orange spot on its back and it looked really gross) but my searching skills suck quite badly and after looking at, oh... about 20 pictures of gross ass spiders I gave up because I started getting itchy and paranoid haha.

Okay, on a different subject, I'm watching Inuyasha right now... which is making me want to download those Inuyasha movies now ^o^ I'm so jealous of you people who can use torrents... hopefully when my mom moves here and we get our own internet torrents will actually download for me (I am going through anime withdrawals and direct downloading episodes is ZERO FUN).

By the way, my mom has an interview at Clarian Hospital, so hopefully she gets the job! *hoping* It's right next to IU Hospital... so she wouldn't have to commute that far (she'd have to drive as far as I do to school haha). Well, that's all... I surprisingly didn't talk about manga today!

spiders, insects, anime, torrents, inuyasha, general

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