(no subject)

Dec 29, 2005 13:47

Hannah, I made a survey thing like I promised!

1. What do you think a person's first impression is of you? I think that they think I am a lot more boring and laid-back than I really am and that I care more about what other people think of me than I really do.

2. Do you have any problems, such as OCD, manic depression, etc.?I think I might have a mild case of both of those because I have to check to make sure things are locked and turned off and such abotu 50 times before I can go anywhere and I am depressed some.

3. What do you think of Britney Spears? I think that musically, she sucks, but as far as her perfume goes, I love it!

4. Can you name all of the members of more than 3 bands, and if you can, then list them here?Yes! Led Zeppelin: Robert Plant, Jimmy Page, John Paul Jones and John Bonham. The Who: Roger Daltrey, Keith Moon, John Entwhistle, and Pete Townshend and The Beatles: Paul McCartney, John Lennon, Ringo Starr, and George Harrison.

5. What do you do in your spare time? I watch TV, read, talk on the phone and shop.

6. Do you think school is all that important once you have reached a certain age? I think that after you have learned the basic stuff that you need to know, like spelling and how to read, basic math and science, and basic history, that you have learned all that you need to know for just regular life and that then you should be able to choose your classes so that you only learn the things that are necessary for the job that you are interested in.

7. If your house was on fire and you could only save 5 things, what would they be and why? I would save my dog, my computer (because it has all of my music on it), my purses, my vintage records, and my crushed velvet boots.

8. If your house was being broken into, would you shoot the intruders? Yes.......

9. What colors do you wear the most? I wear black and blue the most.... black shirt, blue pants.

10. Do you like to wear jewelry? Yes

11. Are you planning on going to prom? I think so... I want to buy a fancy dress.

12. If you could go on a date with anyone in the entire world, who would it be and why? Drew because I haven't seen him in over 2 weeks and I miss him!

13. What is the most boring place that you have ever been to? the DMV

14. What TV shows do you hate? I hate Will & Grace

15. If you were to join the military, what branch would you want to join? I would want to join the Army so that I could become a Green Beret like my dad.

16. What do you like the most, wood, marble, or metal? Marble

17. Are you glad that Christmas is over? Yes..... I don't much care for it because everything is closed so it is boring. It isn't even really supposed to be Jesus's birthday... When Christianity was brought to Europe they changed his b'day from being in the Spring to December so that it would coincide with a pagan holiday that they already celebrated.

18. If you could be doing anything right now, what would you be doing and why? I would be shopping in NYC with my friends because I love NYC and the shopping is so great there.

19. If you came home and noticed that your house had burned down, what would you do? I would scream and freak out and probably lose my mind and I would have to spend the remainder of my life in an insane asylum.

20. If you were going to a funeral for one of the most important people in your life, what would you say for their eulogy? If I were saying the eulogy for my grandmother, then I would say that she was one of the the sweetest, most influential person in my life and that everyone at the funeraly had been greatly touched by her because over half of them owe their lives to her because if she had never been born then they never would have been because she has put so many people on this Earth and she loves all of them and their families so much and she kept in touch with everyone and wanted to be a part of everyone's life. She also suffered through some of the hardest times that our nation has faced and she got through them and learned from them and she was such a smart woman and she could relate with anyone and she was always so comforting and whenever something bad happened to me then she would be the first person that I would call and she would guide me through it.

21. Do you get stage fright? Not really... I get kind of stage fright when I have to say something, but as far as dancing and singing go, I am fine.

22. What are you doing this New Years' Eve? I am going to Hudson's party.

23. If you could kiss someone as it turns midnight on New Years Eve, who would it be and ideally, where? It would be Drew, because I miss him and it would be at a really fancy restaurant in Italy.

24. What was your best vacation ever? In 8th grade I went to NYC with my school's choir and I loved it because NYC is the best place in the entire world.

25. If you had a band, what would you call it? I would call it The Revolution, just because it sounds like a cool, punk band name.

Now, for the choice questions:

26. Drowning or burning to death? drowning

27. Shellfish or regular fish? regular fish

28. Brown or black hair? black

29. The Rolling Stones or The Beatles? The Beatles

30. Sword or Shield? Sword

31. Ashlee Simpson or Jessica Simpson? Jessica Simpson

32. Sunny day or rainy day? Sunny

33. The Simpsons or Southpark?Southpark

34. Backpack or messenger bag? Messenger bag

35. Cassettes or vinyl records? vinyl

36. Cars or SUVs? SUVs

37. Cell phones or regular phones? regular phones

38. Internet shopping or regular shopping? regular

39. Scotland or Ireland? Scotland

40. Harry Potter or Lord of the Rings? Lord of the Rings

41. Tornado or hurricane? Hurricane

42. Boat or plane? plane

43. Geometry or Caculus? calculus

44. Rock or rap? rock

45. Gothic or redneck? gothic

46. Crows or blackbirds? crows

47. Guitar or bass?guitar

48. Sailor or Astronaut? sailor

49. Dogs or cats? dogs

50. MTV or MTV2? MTV

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