We treat the Hummer like a Tonka toy

Sep 24, 2004 08:13

I think I have some deadly disease where I get a song stuck in my head and I can't get rid of it no matter what I do. Today it's "What's Happening?" by the Ying Yang Twinz f/ T Double D and some other guy.

Yesterday was typical, more or less. I went to Psych. in the morning...some girl fell asleep and the teacher made the person next to her give her an elbow in the ribs =) After that I picked up the refunds (Computer Center Mike fucking creeps me out...ugh) and went to work, where I had Jamie's Desk (Jamie's Ex-Desk, since she doesn't work there anymore) all day. I got through one box of transfiling and hopefully I'll get through the second and part of the third today. That's the worst part of transfiling; typing up all the names x_x When I got home from work I took a nap and had some dinner before going off to VT. Let me tell ya, it was SO good to be back and especially to see Lucy again <3 She is just the greatest person and so hilarious. Mary and Katherine have gone almost completely punk, which is great because they go to Catholic school and have to wear uniforms. Katherine was wearing a Kurt Cobain T-shirt and Cons and a thick spiked watch and jeans with the anarchy thing on them, she looked so cute. And Mary was in her traditional T-shirt from some play that she's seen, accompanied by thick chain earrings that she twirls instead of her hair, now that it's short. She has an attitude that could knock you over backwards, but it's very endearing <3 Oh, OLL people are just the best. Even though I sounded like someone shot me with a huge AK while we were singing. No one minded though, and if they did, they kept quiet about it.

So yeah, two classes today, and then work and then I HAVE to figure out a way to see "The Forgotten" tonight! I was reading the review in the paper and it's a psychological thriller, which is just my kind of movie, so I need to find someone who is willing to sit through it with me. Haha, it would be funny if I raved on and on about seeing it and then hated it later, but that's happened before with other movies. The weekend isn't looking too bogged down by homework so far, but I do have to find a good summary of Euripides' "Alcestis"...I mean, uh, sit down and read the play very carefully. Stupid fucking class.

The Quote of the Day goes to Dane, whom is completely honored (so he says) because he never gets QoTD:
"If you throw me down a flight of stairs, then I'll take the lace out of your Converse and use it as a G-string." OH WOW, what a thought *dies* But still QoTD-worthy.

Happy Friday, kids <3
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