(no subject)

Aug 04, 2012 19:18

We think we’ve got it figured out. Last night, the youngest son in the family finally showed up for his interview with Amy and me. He’s been avoiding us for months.

Son #4 is a critical player in the events around the haunted house, mostly because he died on the property.

Yes, that is correct. He died on the property, as was confirmed by one of his brothers and his father, since both were present at the time. Brother is an ER nurse and father is a cop.

It’s the sort of thing that can happen when one of your brothers backs up a one ton skidsteer over you. They had just started tearing down the old farmhouse. One brother was operating the skidsteer (which is like a Bobcat on steroids). Two of the other brothers and some of their friends were watching. One of them decided to holler and toss a brick through the window of the house, while the other maneuvered the skidsteer to rip off the porch. The driver started to back up, the back up horn started beeping, and the others weren’t paying attention and didn’t get out of the way.

It started to back up over brother #4, starting at his feet and working its way up over his legs and abdomen, as he fell face forward into the dirt. By the time it got to his stomach, he vomited everywhere, lost his air, and blacked out.

With the shouting and all, the brother who was driving the skidsteer stopped and then drove forward, getting the tread off his brother.

His brother, the ER nurse, and his father, the cop, both determined that Son #4 was dead. No pulse, no respiration. As the ER nurse was starting resuscitation, Son #4 spontaneously revived.

Ambulance trip later, the ER doctor kept coming out and telling the parents that their son had to be critically hurt. His chest had to be crushed. X-rays later, the ER doctor came out and said his chest wasn’t crushed, but he had to have massive internal injuries. MRI later, ER doctor comes out and says he doesn’t have massive internal injuries, but he does have a broken foot.

Miracle is declared. Mother is head nurse in the ER and knows that with what happened to Son #4, he should have been dead. All of the capillaries in his face and eyes are blown, something usually seen when a person has hung himself. Doctors, many of whom looked at the case, cannot explain how he came out alive, especially given that the ground he fell on was hard. It wasn’t soft enough for him to be pushed down into the dirt in order to escape injury.

Paranormal activity escalates dramatically after that.

Since I learned about the accident, I’ve wondered if something happened during that brief period of time when Son #4 was clinically dead. Did it open a door? Did something come through? Did it attach itself to Son #4 and piggy back for a ride into our plane of existence?

I expected Son #4 to talk about things happening around him that he couldn’t explain. Not just paranormal activity happening at the house, but also happening at work and in other places he went. If the entity was attached to him, things would start happening in other places.

I think I know what happened. Because of the energy river that flows through the land the land and right through where the old house was and the new house has been built, every paranormal entity in the area comes by to feed on the energy. There is a dark entity that comes by and slurps up some energy. It’s not there all the time.

There are different kinds of energy beings. At the top are angels. They are beings of light and they feed on joy, sunshine, and cotton candy. They poop rainbows. Then, there are nature spirits. Way below them, are dark entities. They like negative energy, the kind generated by anger, distress, and sadness.

In the moment that Son #4 was run over by the skidsteer, he knew he was going to die and there was that outpouring of fear and despair. When his brother ran him over and realized what he had done, there was more fear and despair. When his other brother and his father realized that Son #4 was probably dead, there was anguish and terror. The friends who were their were caught up in the same kinds of emotions.

Dark entity has a feast on the fear and anguish. It’s the best steak dinner it’s ever had. So, it sticks around. This is a family where there is love and it’s a big family. It does things with the intention of scaring the family, because that’s food. That sort of fear feeds the entity.

They hear the sound of a baby crying when no baby is present. In the last four months, three of the brothers and their wives have had babies. Weird things, like moving objects and growling sounds happen around the babies when they are at the house. Stuff toys that were nowhere near are found on the babies’ faces. All of them are too little to have moved the toys themselves.

Want to terrorize parents and grandparents? Be a threat to their newborn children.

That’s why the first cleansing didn’t work. It got the ghosts out of the house, but dark entities are a whole other kettle of fish. It takes the family to kick that sort of thing out. They have to be united, they have to participate in the cleansing, they have to reclaim their house and call on angels and family members on the other side to keep the nasty thing out of their house and out of their lives.

We know what to do. Now, all we have to do is help the family understand what they must do. They have to stop giving this thing energy by deciding that they aren’t going to be afraid. They are going to fight back and take back their home.

All I have to do is convince them.
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