Why can't anything with computers go smoothly?

Feb 08, 2012 19:16

I have two Dell computers. The first one is a tower that's hooked up to internet and has all of the goodies on it for paranormal investigating and analyzing evidence. The second computer is a notebook computer that I use while I am on an investigation, so I can download photos on the spot and analyze evidence on the fly. I prefer to type rather than handwrite anything, so I can interview and type, as I go.

When I realized that my old tower was terminal, I replaced it with a new tower. The problem with that is that dial-up with the old tower was okay. Not okay with new tower. So, I hooked up the notebook computer to the dial-up and it worked fine. Except that dial-up was so slow that installing McAffe was impossible. I ordered a back-up disk for McAffe and then discovered that I didn't have enough memory for it to install properly. So, notebook computer goes off to Staples for more memory - which was an adventure in itself because their techs do not communicate with each other very well and is a long and confusing story that took almost two weeks to resolve.

So, high speed internet is installed today. I want the modem on the tower, so it is installed on the tower. I now have wireless (with a very clever secured password) so I can do internet on both tower and notebook computer. Installation dude pronounces the job done and leaves. I go back, sit down at the tower, and the keyboard will not work. How can this be, when installation dude was just using it to set up internet access? The wireless mouse is working. I change the batteries in the wireless keyboard. Still not working.

I call Frontier and tell them that my keyboard stopped working literally the minute their installation dude left. Customer service guy says it cannot possibly be anything installation dude did. Installation dude returns and monkeys with all kinds of things, plugging and unplugging, booting and rebooting, checking drivers, etc. Keyboard still does not work, even though the software says that the computer is recognizing the keyboard.

Notebook computer is working fine. Tower works fine via mouse, but cannot keyboard. Any ideas? Given that we do electronics recycling at work, I can borrow a keyboard from a good working computer to see if the problem is that my keyboard chose to die at a bizarro moment.

damn computers

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