I swear fanboys are like those really imature girlfriends you used to have in JR High
"Why did you say i look pretty? What i dont look pretty everyday? FUCK YOU!!!"
You just cant win with these pricks. I dont understand why they have to harp on little things. Its retarted, i mean come on dont hey have better things to do than be dicks? Seriously what the fuck is wrong with these guys.
Its like they suddenly decided that im a dick and nothing can change that opinion, its so black and white, typical comic fan always having to be so polorizing. Why cant they learn to see the gray?
For example the other day i was listening to John Byrne on Around Comics, personally i know hes a dick but i enjoyed the show (even though i thought they were kissing his ass to much). Just because someone can be a dick at times doesnt neccesarily mean he is Hitler. People have good days and bad days (some more than others) and ofcourse there are some people who just dicks who constantly are.
Im not a dick, seriously im not. I can be a little blunt at times but its not like i go out of my way to insult people as these guys tend to think, I did everything i possibly could with this show to avoid people bitching ahout Lene, i cant belive when they cant find anything with her they would jump on my case.
Fucking assholes....