[my name is]: Marlene
[my age is]: 13
[my gender is]: Female
[my birthday is]: April 27
[my star sign is]: Taurus
[I am from]: Illinios
[could you live without the computer?]: no ... i cant live with out talkin to my friends
[what's your favorite food?]: spagitti
[whats ur favorite fruit?]: applez with carmal
[what hurts the most? physical pain or emotional pain?]: emotional! that can leave scares on ur heart 4ever!
[trust others way too easily?]: yes ... but to some extent
[of times you have had my heart broken? ]: uhh ... i think twice
[of hearts you have broken?] : 1 ... but he was a emo child
[of boys you have kissed?] : i cant member plus i dont really keep track
[of girls you have kissed?] : 0!!
[of drugs taken illegally?] : 0!! drugs = BAD!
[of tight friends?] : 6!!
[of cd's that you own?] : only a couple ... i listen to the radio alot
[of scars on your body?] : 1 ... from a slip & slide when i was 8
[of things in your past that you regret?] : this HUGE fight with my bff & it tore us apart & we have gotten better but we will never be as tight as we were b4
[you know]: about soccer & softball ... & mallin!
[you want]: i want to get married someday to the man of my dreamz
[you have]: a boy friend
[you wish]: i wish my bff was back in IL
[you hate]: rumors! they do nothing but tear u apart from great friends & cleaning my room!
[you miss]: my sis in the navy
[you fear]: spiders
[you hear]: rumors going around the school!
[you search]: 4 my missing clothes my lil siter steals
[you love]: mark
[you ache]: after soccer practice cuz of all the sprintz
[you care]: about gay ritez marrage is about love not sexes (but im not gay)
[you always]: talk
[you dance]: i dance like no1 is watching
[you do not always]: clean my room! i hate doin that!
[your best feature (personality)]: funny! so they say
[your biggest flaw (personality)]: a big flirt ... & that getz me introuble sometimes
[most annoying thing you do]: crack my ankels ... so they say
[describe your personality in one word]: funn
[the physical feature for which you are most often complimented]: my eyes
[a city you'd like to visit]: LA ... the city of angels
[a drink you order most often]: rootbeer! it makez me sooo hyper
[a book you highly recommend]: call of the wild! specialy to those dog lovers ... it will make u cry!
[the music you prefer while alone]: punk rock
[your favorite band/singer(s)]: greenday , fall out boy
[film(s) you could watch over and over]: napolian dynomite
[TV show(s) you watch regularly]: one tree hill ( chad is soo hott!)
[your transportation]: my mommmy
[something important on your night table]: my journal
[your favorite clothing brand(s)]: hollister
[your favorite make-up brand(s)]: cover girl, mary kay
[Promote us to two communities and supply us with the link to that exact entry]:
http://www.livejournal.com/community/xx_0h_la_la/http://www.livejournal.com/community/all_eyez_on_u/ [Post 3 Pictures of yourself, please]:
http://photobucket.com/albums/v319/xmarlyx69/th_marlene2004.bmpgo to that site cuz idk how to put the pic in this
♥ Marlene
Stamped members, the link to the Scoring Chart is Here: