jenn : hey
me : hey
jenn : are you coming to Lazer Zone tomorrow?
me : im gonna try
jenn : ok ^^
jenn : oh!
jenn : and do you Know Jamie Boudreaux?
me : yeah
jenn : did you know the school wouldnt let her and her gf in homecoming?
jenn : because they were a couple
me : the hell?
jenn : yeah
me : but i saw her there
jenn : thats what i heard
jenn : ???
jenn : i was told they wouldnt let her in
jenn : so when the Saga Ball rolls around, i'm going to get a girl to go with me and if they wont let us in, i can press charges
jenn : if enough people do that, we just might be able to over throw the school and get a new principle
me : thats weird though cause they let me in with my friend melissa
jenn : yeah but you werent a couple
me : true
jenn : i just hope we can sue the pants off of percy and get a new principle
me : me too
jenn : i'm sorry...
jenn : it just really gets t me that they would do something like that. thats discrimination and its illegal
me : oh it gets to me too
me : trust me on that one
jenn : now if they had a cause like she got into too much trouble like they did me, then yeah, but not if they're just a couple
me : yeah
jenn : thats like saying Mexicans aren't allowed to the dance
jenn : a sense...its kinda a good thing ^^
jenn : because now, i have something i can use against them
me : the school's gotta start getting used to gay couples because now that more people are seeing that it's becoming an alright thing to "come out of the closet", and since we're all teenagers a lot of students are starting to get a sense of themselves
jenn : exactly!
jenn : theres no rule stating that gays can't attend social events
me : i know
me : and that is breaking the rules of the school, parish, schoolboard, it's breaking the law, everything
me : it's just falt out illegal
jenn : exactly
jenn : like i said, i have something to use against them, and trust me when i say, i'm gonna milk it for all its worth
me : good
me : the school needs to learn their lesson about discrimination of gay couples
jenn : they will
jenn : and the states gonna be the one to do it
me : good
jenn : now if only i can stay outta trouble until then ^^
me : i think you should try
jenn : i am
jenn : but you know i got sent outta class today for doing something i was given permission to do?
me : really?
jenn : yeah
jenn : in Mrs. Hooks class
me : for what?
jenn : i was chewing on my guitr pick and she fussed at me yesterday so i took it out and then she bitched because i wasn't doing my work. so i asked her what i was supposed to do and she kept yelling at me so i told her off and i spit my pick at her so she threw it away so theni threw my guitar at her and got sent home
me : woah jenn
jenn : Mr. McKenzy said i could have it so i had it today and she got onto me again so i told her Mr. McKenzy told me i could and she buzzed the office to ask and you know what they said?
jenn : hey said "Mr. McKenzy will talk to you about it later but for now, its ok."
jenn : so i just smiled at her and kept it
jenn : she got pissed off and kicked me outta class
jenn : so ima get my aunt to see about it tomorrow
me : that's so stupid
jenn : no
jenn : not stupid
jenn : immature is more the word
me : yeah
jenn : because i was given permission
jenn : so she cant kick me out
me : no she cant
jenn : my aunts gonna take care of it
jenn : no one screws me over
jenn : ever
me : good
me : yeah its a bad idea to screw you over cause whoever does will seriously get it
jenn : heh..
jenn : exactly
jenn : this schools abot to see my bad side
me : ooh