A pattern recently occurred to me in that I generally haven't gotten along well with the roommates I've had who habitually smoke weed. As I type this, I can smell marijuana wafting upstairs into my room. Although I don't loathe the smell, it annoys me to have it invading my personal space for some reason. It's always been like this. It's almost as if by then it reaches my nostrils it has lost all of its magic potency and only conjures a certain omniscent, pathetic vision, like patting the back of a drunk friend at last call who is crying over something assinine and unimportant to you.
It's been like this with Austin, Chrissy, and now Trish. I wonder what is in the nature of the pothead that conflicts with me. I googled searched "why I don't get along with potheads" and I came to a few totally objective conclusions. I trust forums over articles. People who habitually smoke weed are sometimes self-medicating some kind of mental illness, and as a liberal I can't say the weed causes the psychosis, it was already there. Unfortunately the weed just doesn't cure it. Sure, lots of people I know smoke weed all the time, but I don't always live with them. I would say that at home most people need to exert some kind of control over their surroundings, including myself. I would say that these roommates that I am no longer in friendly rapport with were extreme control freaks, and also smoked a lot of weed. Therefore, I can deduce that the fact that were potheads is secondary to them being complete assholes. However, the roommates who don't smoke weed every day, Sarah, Kate, even Richard, weren't hard to live with at all. Of course, we all have one thing in common; we drink. I would say there is a reason why some people, like me, prefer to drink, and only occasionally smoke. I believe that weed and alcohol medicate two totally different parts of the damaged psyche. Is it schizophrenia? I would say the three roommates who bother me most have an irresponsible nature and somewhat deluded sense of persecution at times. Everyone knows that weed is supposed to you "lazy" and/or "paranoid." Maybe it's the schizo's cocktail.
“Back in the ’60s marijuana was like a white wine spritzer. Now many of the strands can be like a shot of Everclear. That’s how much the potency has increased. You’ve got to acknowledge that there’s a cultural shift happening,” Gorman said. “While marijuana potency continues to rise, the belief that the substance is harmless remains the same. The main thing would be to pay attention to how it’s affecting you. If you’re becoming more confused or having a harder time handling things, consider backing off.”