Pine trees and resentment

Sep 09, 2005 02:56

I came home tonight a skunk on my porch, eating cat food. The porch door was open for my stepmother's old skittish traumatized cat. Maybe the skunk ate it. Anyway, the skunk scared the shit out of me. Startled, it stuck its butt out to spray stink fluid, so I came in the backdoor. Later, I threw a shoe at it. It eventually left.

Speaking of steprelatives, things are evening out around here. The kids are never home. Or maybe I'm never home. Either way it's good. The other night I woke up to piss and stumbled to the bathroom completely naked, only to walk out in front of my stepmother sitting on the couch in the living room. It was dark but I'm pretty sure she turned and looked. Who wouldn't? Embarrassing. That's a new sensation at home.

The ephedrine I've been taking to curb my overactive appetite has really worn me the poop out. Today I didn't take any and I felt so mental. Not to mention the diarrhea. Chemicals suck. I stand by beer though. It always brightens my smile. I know it's fabulous, but I really can't take physiologically stimulating drugs and simultaneously hate my life. Maybe if I had somebody back up here to hate my life with me...

But in a positive note, I am going to Northampton Mass. this weekend. There I hope to quelch my troubles in ethnic cafes, overpriced thrift stores, and fearlessly-dressed pedestrians. It's the Madison, WI of the East.
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