I've just set up a new blog at
http://hypersteve.wordpress.com/ soon this will be integrated into my website www.hypersteve.com so that all my new cool images I want to post will go directly up on my website and have portfolio art right there...soon. This is a big deal for me because I've been meaning to do this for months now...whew.
Also, a lot of people know that I have recently gotten recognized with a "webcomic of the year" award from webcomicgeek.com. Our competition was fierce, so go read all of them. they are all excellent comics...plus they're free.
Yesterday I met Ally from Rocklove jewelry at the Empire State building Starbucks with Photographer Steward Noack www.thehouseofindulgence.com. It was a chance meeting but a really great one. Ally has some great steampunk jewlery at www.rocklove.com. She would be a perfect model for some characters I'm designing for a comic right now...
Today I had a great day in the UNKNOWN Studio ( just down the hall from DEEP SIX hanging with George O'Conner and Joe Infurnari. We bitched about comics and insulted each other. Reilly Brown brought in his cousin Alec to show him the wonder of comics. Much fun was had.
Now back to High MOON which reached over 1.5 million reader recently...