
Nov 10, 2009 09:59


Forbidden Pokémon//ミカルゲ

Wild (Shiny)
Learnt Moves
Shadow Sneak
Ominous Wind
Sucker Punch
Dark Pulse
Double Team

Thousand years ago, commoners of a village prayed to the God to save them from vicious spirits.
They trapped and gathered the spirits, and locked them in one Keystone.

Hundred years after the ceremony, on the 108th day of the year, the keystone was unlocked and released two embodiments of the evil spirits.
One in a body of a boy and another in a body of a girl. The grudge from being locked from
hundred years ago angered the spirits and they destroyed the village into no more.

Together, they traveled around the country with the malicious intent to destroy everything.
That until a girl managed to find the keystone and locked them together in the Hallowed Tower.

Two years ago however, a female trainer unlocked the key and caught one of them.
Separating the 'siblings' forever. When the other one woke up, he was alone in this world,
no partner to travel with. Having no interest whatsoever to destroy things,
he decided to wander around Sinnoh to watch over the region and sometimes disturb
its tranquility just for fun.

...And maybe.. He can find his sister in the middle of his journey.

Quirks & Abilities

In the surface, Spiritomb always appear as an eccentric teenager with an easygoing personality.
It takes him a couple of moment to understand things and he tends to forget about it later on.
He is easily distracted but yet, he is actually quite powerful. Possibly because of the moment
he spent with his 'sister' when they made a wreck across Sinnoh. He is always, always,
very excited to whatever he is doing, shows a huge interest in anything new, being extremely
friendly to anyone and tends to annoy people around him. Somewhat like a hyperactive little kid.

He never judge a person from their actions, and sees them neutrally even if you are a bad guy.
Unless you attack him of course, and this short-tempered boy can swing his persona from a
happy-go-lucky friend to a terrifyingly berserk pokemon. Spiritomb is easily touched by your
simple 'Thank you' and 'sorry' though, so you can ask for forgiveness anytime. He is also quite
a drama king.

Spiritomb is able to fly around, but only for a short time and not too high either. He is also
able to walk through the wall, that until his feet stuck on the other side of it.
He can go out on the afternoon, but only his feet (and smoke) will be visible.

He extremely loves his sister. And will not stop talking about her
when you have made him talk about her. Even though he's able to control all 108 spirits within him, there is one day when he WILL lost control of them, and that is the day of his birth, the 108th day of the year, April 18th. They usually don't make serious damage, but very troublesome and Spiritomb doesn't remember any of it, other than his power will be enhanced.


Threadjack/Backtag: I'm fine with it, though telling me & the other mun beforehand would be great.
Hug/Kiss/idk: Sure why not
Hurt/Maim/Kill: Hurt/Maim is alright, kill is not.
Anything Else?: I'm fine with anything you want to do with Spiritomb. He's up for any
plotting and even if you use him, it's all right too (YOU HEARTLESS LITTLE JERK 8'( )
All things are fine to be mentioned before him though he usually will refuse to talk about his
past unless it's talking about his beloved sister & his world's Giratina. He'd twitch at any
mention of the Sinnoh Gods (Which is Arceus, Dialga & Palkia) because he had bad memories with
them. But really, if you have your Sinnoh Gods meet Spiritomb, that'd be awesome.


Spiritomb's sister, contrary to her brother, Mika is serious, strict,
fashionable and a perfectionist. Although she's very serious and tough,
she worries too much about her brother that she'd give up everything
for his happiness. When Dawn came to the tower catch one of them,
she made a deal with her to leave the tower once and for all
in exchange for her freedom. In the middle of her journey with Dawn,
Mika met an old Giratina in the Distortion World and told him the story of the siblings.
Mika's power is beyond her control, sometimes she'd end up
killing someone when she just intended to hurt them a little.
It's not as worrying as it used to be, but when she lost control of her spirit,
she's much more fearsome. She also has the habit of spacing out and
bumps onto people because of it (and promptly blame people because
no way she'd so such silly mistakes).

A sickly old Giratina who's guarding the resident Distortion World.
He's been suffering from eternal flu ever since he was born.
Though it doesn't weaken the old pokemon, one reason why he never get
out of the Distortion World other than to protect it is because he's worried
he can't stand the outside world's pollution. When Spiritomb lost his way
to the Distortion World, Giratina didn't hesitate to bring him in
and took care of him for more than a year. Being a teacher and parents for him.
However Dialga and Palkia broke through the world in the middle of their battle.
Upon noticing Spiritomb and Giratina, the battle gets even bigger. Giratina tried
to protect the world by sending all of them to the outside world.
It was when Giratina realizes that his strength doubles when he's outside (and different personality).
The battle stayed for days until Arceus came to stop them.
Other than their own rivalry, Dialga and Palkia pointed out about
Spiritomb's deeds hundreds years ago, leaving the kid on blame.
Angered with the deal, Giratina used his last power to teleport Spiritomb
out of their world, in which weeks after that, he was sent to Awesome Island.
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