i feel like i have been twitter a lot more than lj lately
i guess because i can post any random thought that comes to mind and it doesn't have to be (or can't be) a full blong entry.
i'm sure that i will lose interest in another couple of weeks
but for now
http://twitter.com/kelsii've also been using yelp a little bit, but i don't go out very much...
http://kstarr.yelp.com i have been thinking about starting a blog
like, where i blog about stuff
other than the one at hairbykelsi.livejournal
like a general hair/fashion/craft/whatever blog for people to read
so i can force my opinion upon the masses
speaking of which
if you don't vote for obama i'll be eating my cereal out of the bottom of your fucking skull
do it!!!
because i don't even like cereal.
but all that pro-peace pacifist shit of mine will go right out the window if we have to have mccain for president, that creepy corpse of a man
"yes we can!" rally at the mirkwizzle tomorrow!