I have waaaaay too many blogs, and I really need to keep track of all of them. I promised to blog more, but with three blogs, I think posting everything in all three is counter-productive.
So now, in an attempt to make things "simpler" (though really, it's more work for me), I'll try to give each blog a distinct purpose and personality. So here it goes.
RenRobles.com will be for my various writings: Short stories, reviews, opinion pieces, and the like. I'll also share stuff that strikes me, whether it's a song, a comic, a news article, or even a PostSecret postcard. I'll very rarely post something personal there (from now on), unless it's something super important and life-changing.
My Multiply blog will be for general rants and "emo" moments, as well as memes, surveys, and the like. Generally, it'll be a place for me to express myself during those spur-of-the-moment times when I just feel the need to say something. As such, most (if not all) Multiply blog entries will be filtered for friends only.
my LiveJournal is... pretty much dead. I really just use the account to read my friends' friends-locked entries.
As usual, all three blogs will be used for shameless self-promotion.
So there. That should clear things up... I hope.