your wife and children looking at you so heartbroken. Just walk away like you are used to doing.

Oct 13, 2005 20:14

I love how Bailey greeted me afterschool.


If you are wondering what " it" was.. the week before our three day homecoming weekend.

Today was nice. I know I did not fail my economics quiz and hopefully math too.

Afterschool, I got a massage IN A NON SEXUAL WAY. gosh im tired of peoples odd reactions. Ahh it was so lovely. I drooled so much.
My little clasp on my dress got fixed too. YEAHH. and i got a good vegan meal. SOUNDS LIKE one niceee day!

i got to see rebeccz too. She seems well.

If only bailey would pick up her phone. i've called like.. 26 times.

I DEFINITELY WENT ON A CLEANING SPREE. haha. It was fired up by my thought of " Wow... Alex is going to be here.. TOMMORROW! I should fix this mess!"

Yeah.. It's slightly sad to admit I've been looking forward to this weekend for two months.


TOMMORROW I NEED TO GO GROCERY SHOPPING which i wanted to do tonight but it that doesn't happen within 40 mins that is screwed, and then go get my nails done!

awe... homecoming cookies tonight idea is like.. screwed. oh well. i couldn't eat them anyway!
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