i wonder where they take all that snow that's in the back of that truck...

Dec 09, 2008 08:49

things i like about winter:

  • doing well on finals
  • glittens. cute ones.
  • snowmen; snowballs; throwing snow
  • icicles
  • silence
  • white innocence
  • boots!
  • sticky snow sticking to barren tree branches
  • using the phrase 'barren tree branches' or just 'barren branches' - it has all the perfect alliteration i could ever want
  • spending time inside with hot cocoa; reading, or just being under my covers. my comforter is so comforting.

There are probably more things; but i'll save them for a day when i'm not liking winter so well. I have the insatiable urge to blog well. To write things that are meaningful and insightful and witty and clever and worth reading at all.
I also just adjusted everything so that now all I do is post blogs to posterous and they end up every where else; but if I need to keep something secret it can go on just xanga still. And if i want to post just photos from somewhere random then it can just end up on tumblr. I think it's a decent plan. And as much as i love vi.sualize.us i'm going to not do that one anymore. Hopefully this is a good blogging plan. Have I ever mentioned that while I love organizing things on the computer / online, i often forget what my organizing system was, and thus fuck it all up.

I love listening to Kate Nash. Her British accent makes me smile. I feel the urge to type grammatically correct and apply the knowledge that I have from so long of English training to capitalizing the first person I and using my words effectively. It's my new goal for blogging / typing on the computer in general. I don't think that I'm going to get over my inappropriate use of semi-colons for a while though.

That truck full of snow drove by again. I'm really wondering where they take it... maybe somewhere down by the football field?

I'm not sure why I got up from here in the first place; but I was gone for about half an hour now. I wrapped presents! I love christmas time. So much. I love giving presents, and everyone being full of Christmas Spirits. Yay! (Yes I am just this corny and sickening most of the time.)

Also-- I had a cup of coffee with my final at 9am. And now, at almost 12, I'm so caffienated it's obscene. I'm disappointed that the spellchecker doesn't work when typing a posterous blog, becuase that will not contribute to the appearance of good grammer on my blog. Oh well. I think I'm going to head to lunch pretty soon here. We'll see.

Thanks for reading. Love you!

Posted via web from rachelgabrielle's posterous
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