Apr 19, 2004 14:27
Oh my beatuiful band trip! I love the band so much. Myconstant spoon-fest wiht my roomates was the hardest thing for me to give up. No joke i started crying when i went to bed because i was so lonely without them. When i got home i took out my itenerary and wrote down everything i could remember. Highlights......MISSY of jungle tours: WHO WANTS DANGER?- AHHH ME!!!!!!OH GOD PICK ME FOR DANGER!!!!....Biiiiig Booty, big booty big booty big booty, big booby number one! AHH NOOO!....Honorary 306 member, emily lawyer, baptized with the glory of mickey ears!....my instrument has been named, Captain Lewis Theta Posedion boy from emily's math class Stephens, or captain lewis if you please.....EVERYBODY HOLD MY HAND!.....seeing nobody in the band except graham and kevin, over and over.......NICK SABRINA CHRIS + TOWER OF TERROR........BEHOLD THE PIRATE GOD......GIRLS THIS IS SIMPLY NOT DISNEY STANDARDS.....anna the sweet talkerand navigator.....over 26 rides....Im in love.