Oh, did I mention that I've been having the weirdest dreams recently?
Thursday night I dreamt of zombies (like those in Resident Evil) and there were a bunch of survivors (myself included) who hid inside a huge abandoned house. I was hiding inside a tub full of laundry and some survivors were preaching to us (while we were hiding) and I was wondering why they won't just shut the fuck up. Well, they didn't and the zombies were approaching, so I hid myself in another house, which was really grand and victorian. Everyone there was acting like robots (à la The Invasian). I hid myself in the cupboard, some people were playing chess and zombies hate the colour red.
And somehow Pipi appeared and we were running to City Hall interchange and he ran so quickly I couldn't catch up. Come to think about it, we're the only 2 people running away from something. Then, I woke up.
Last night, I dreamt of Sadako. Her hair was flying, and her mouth was wide open, as if she was screaming. I woke up, feeling really feverish and scared shitless. I also had
this song in my head and I had no idea I memorized the song.
I fell back asleep and I was with a group of people at a mall. We were "captured" by this murderer and we had to do different tests in various shops. The whole group of us discussed about what she might make us do. Some suggestions were, we were forced to puke and eat our own puke. (I think this came from South Park's Imaginationland 2.) I remember feeling really scared before entering the shop for our "test" and turns out, we had to answer some questionnaire. The murderer, who turns out to be my Geography teacher from 2 years back, sat next to me and kept distracting me, so I was the only person who didn't complete that examination.
Then... Ban appeared and we took a cab to this stadium. It was like some sort of F1 racing car thing? But we ended up at the airport. And Ban was making fun of someone and I woke up.
Don't know what the deal with me and dreaming up scary things that don't make sense. The crappiest thing is, I remember all of it vividly. Pah. Anyone wanna guess what I'm gonna dream of tonight?