Jul 06, 2006 23:03
001. Leave me a comment saying, "Interview me."
002. I will respond by asking you five questions of a very intimate and creepily personal nature. Or not so creepy/personal.
003. You WILL update your LJ with the answers to the questions.
004. You will include this explanation and an offer to interview someone else in the post.
005. When others comment asking to be interviewed, you will ask them five questions
questions from anna.
1. You are given the choice to only be able to keep dancing or to keep singing. Which do you choose and why?
oo, that's tough. probably singing because i've been doing it for ever. but i'd be able to cope with either. there are so many ways to express yourself through both, but i sing more often than i dance...so i have to go with singing.
2. Favorite song to belt out in the car?
oh geez. there are so many. currently, probably something kelly clarkson. basically anything from a musical. probably "good bye until tomorrow" from the last five years or "the wizard and i" from wicked or "come what may" from moulin rouge. but it also has alot to do with what mood i'm in and who i'm with.
3. What is your biggest expectation about college?
the environment. less of the high school mind set. more freedom. more to do, even with classwork. and i'm not gonna lie...the boys. i can't stand any more immature high school boys. i know there will be immature college boys, but hopefully i'll be able to sift through them and find a few gems. mostly because i really lack male fellowship, i miss that...alot.
4. What will you miss the most from highschool? (And you can't just say chorus/theater kids)
why can't i say chorus/theater kids?! that was like my life in highschool. i think that's the only thing i will miss from highschool is my friends, having a defined place where i fit in with the choir and drama departments. one thing i'll miss from this year is seniority...i'm at the bottom of the food chain again! yikes.
5. Who is your favorite Sommerfeldt, and why??
ack! i can't do that!!! well...i did always say that Em is my favorite. however, i haven't talked to her in years? you're probably the one i talk to the most/know the best. but i still love susan and emily a whole ton.