Jun 05, 2012 16:06
aaaaaaaaaaahhhh i want to kill myself aaaaahhh
why ???/ why not?
theres nothing anymroe
i hate everyone.
this is partly my fault though
if only i had done what i was supposed to sooner
if only i had done something about it
if only i had taken charge
if only i had gone to meetings and bought stuff and read emails
if only i had the courage to call people and ask
if only i had the courage to do anything with my shit of a life
why ???? why though?
there are so many other people out there worse off than me
so many innocent kids
innocent people
innocent innocent innocent people
who deserve my life more than i do
and who would do a much better job than what im doing right now
but you know yo0u cant change the past
and i hate everyone
and most of all i hate myself for being so fucking weak
what am i doing right now?
thinking about taking the easy way out?
so be it