Alright, guys. Let me break it down to you. Just want to say a few things.
First off, it really pays to pay attention in the Hyne damned bestiary class back at B-Garden.
Second off, you guys who wanna fight these Malboros? Alright, sure. But just remember, there are three things that Malboros have that we don't.
1. Size. Those things are at least 10 feet tall, and they are about six feet in diameter. I'm not even counting their tentacles.
2. Speed. 99 times out of 100, they will go first. Why? Because Malboros are fucking special like that.
3. Bad Breath. What's Bad Breath, you ask? Well, it's exactly what it says. They breathe on you. And they cast these WONDERFUL status effects on you.
- Poison
- Berserk
- Confusion
- Slow Petrify (I say 5 minutes tops)
- Sleep
- Silence
- Blind
- Slow
Really. If you all want a deathwish (SQUALL!), go ahead and try to defeat one of these ugly nasty smelly monsters.