
Aug 27, 2006 20:23

Continued from here.

A weekend on the mountain )

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crazy_lil_fred September 10 2006, 05:12:30 UTC
Fred smirked when Wesley made the comment about her old bed. "Where you mentally measuring it to see if it would be big enough to shag me in, love?" she asked with a cheeky grin. She returned his kiss and then shrug her shoulders at his question.

"I'm just tired. Everything seem to happen at once and we've only had a couple of days to really rest," Fred said before she leaned her head against him. She had a feeling it was more than just being tired but she didn't want to think about that at the moment.

Pulling back, she smiled and pulled out her cell phone. "Chinese sounds good," she said. She knew what Wesley always got so she ordered their meals. When she was done, she sat down on the couch and sighed. "It just seems weird here, doesn't it? I'm expecting Charles to come through the door with a new weapon, and watch Cordy roll her eyes at it as Angel tells him how cool it is. Then you'd come out of your office, and start talking about John Wayne movies with Angel and Charles, while Cordy would say something snarky."

Fred looked up at him and gave him a sad look. "I'm going to miss all of them," she quietly said as tears came to her eyes.


gfs_wesleypryce September 11 2006, 00:20:34 UTC
"Of course not! I mean...not that I don't want to shag you, but..." He sighed and shook his head. He really was not going to get out of this one with his dignity intact whatsoever. "I think I'm going to do the American thing in this situation and just plead the Fifth before I dig myself deeper into the hole I'm currently in."

When she thankfully dropped it, instead pulling out her phone to call the Chinese place, he opened his mouth to protest that he would have called, but she was already speaking with the person on the other end. Instead, he waited until she was done and sat with her on the couch to wait for their order to arrive, rubbing the small of her back as he listened to her talk.

"I know what you mean, love," he admitted, recalling what he had been thinking about most of the day as they had brought the boxes inside. "Lorne should be offering us drinks while we get to work on some research regarding some unknown demon Angel's ran into while walking the sewers."

Embracing her tightly, he reached up to tangle his hand in her hair and caress her head as she leaned against him. "I think we're going to be missing them for quite a long time," he told her. He wished there was something he could do to make her feel better.

Then suddenly, he had a thought.

"Perhaps I can find out where they're...hosting Cordy and see if we can get into see her. At least then we can see how she's doing ourselves."

And if they wouldn't let them in, he'd find a way to get them in.


crazy_lil_fred September 11 2006, 23:30:01 UTC
As Wesley ran his fingers through her hair, Fred felt her eyes start to flutter shut. His touches always made her feel relaxed, and loved. When he spoke about missing their friends, Fred nodded her head. It would take a while for them get over missing their friends. But when Wesley suggested going to see Cordy, she smiled and opened her eyes.

"I would like that," she said, looking up at him. "And if we can't get in, we'll break in. You can distract the guards with your charms and I'll get us through their security system."

It was at that time when the Chinese food showed up. Fred bounced up from the couch, happy to see some food. She asked them to put it on the agency's tab while reminding herself to look over the outstanding bills the agency had. She handed a bag to Wesley and led him upstairs to her old room.

"See? Small bed. We might end up doing some serious cuddling," she said as she sat the bag of food down. She went back downstairs and grabbed her pajamas, and some sweats and a t-shirt for Wesley. When she got back to the room, Fred stripped off her clothes and put on her pajamas before sitting down on the bed.


gfs_wesleypryce September 12 2006, 02:57:37 UTC
"You think I have charms?" Wesley asked, not sure whether to be surprised or laugh. He had never thought much for his ability to sweet-talk people, but apparently Fred thought he could. He wondered if that was just because she loved him.

The arrival of the food did much to lift Fred's spirits, and he let her lead him upstairs. When she mentioned that the bed was actually quite small - at least compared to his - he blushed a little but tried to hide it.

"Oh, what a horrible thought, love. Having to cuddle each other. I don't know how we'll cope."

While Fred disappeared out of the room again, Wesley started taking food out of the bags and setting them out on the bed to create a little picnic for them. He looked up when she came back in, smiling. Part of him just wanted to watch her as she changed, but he knew that if he did, they probably wouldn't eat. Besides, Fred was obviously still a bit tired. So instead, he changed into the sweats and t-shirt she had brought up for him and joined her on the bed, moving so she could sit between his legs since she was right - the bed wasn't really very big. Especially not with the food sitting on it too.

Picking up one of the cartons, he looked inside. "I believe this is yours, love," he told her, picking up a pair of chopsticks and holding both in front of her.


crazy_lil_fred September 12 2006, 18:24:22 UTC
Fred sat between Wesley's legs and took her carton of food from him. She then took the chopsticks and turned around so she was facing him, her legs over his thighs. With her chopsticks, she dug a piece of chicken and popped it in her mouth. "Y'know, after all the Chinese we've ate, you'd think we'd be sick of it now," she commented. "But it's still really good."

She took another bite and thought for a moment. "Maybe tomorrow we can go to the store and get some groceries. We have all that space in the kitchen now, and I know how to cook some things. It might be nice to have a homemade meal sometimes. I could probably even get some recipes from my mom," Fred said before she took another bite.

There were a lot of things about the hotel she wanted changed. Little things that they'd done during their time there; things she didn't want to be reminded of. "The cage is still in the basement. Part of me thinks we should get rid of it, but another part thinks it might come in handy someday. We might catch something and need to keep it for research or something," Fred said as she sat her carton of food down and picked up her bottle of water. She took a long drink and then went back to the food.

"I think we should use Angel's old room for the library, since it has the balcony and it'll be nice to sit out there and read. As for Jasmine's room, maybe that can be the lab?" she suggested as she ate some more. She glanced down and noticed she'd already ate half of the carton. "Huh. I must be hungry."


gfs_wesleypryce September 13 2006, 02:18:56 UTC
Wesley smiled as he watched Fred eat for a few moments before opening his own carton and having some of his chow mein. "I think that when it becomes the staple of your diet for several years, you get used to it," he told her with a chuckle. "But groceries would definitely be a good idea, I think. I can't remember the last time I went grocery shopping, though."

He thought about it for a moment before raising an eyebrow. "You might have to help me a bit in the kitchen, though. I have a tendency to burn things. I think that's why I stopped grocery shopping. I figured it was kinder to the food to leave it for people who knew what they were doing."

He at a few more bites as Fred talked about the cage in the basement. Remembering what had happened with Angelus and then Jasmine and being held down there by her followers, he would have liked nothing more than to tear the damn thing out. But it might prove useful. "We should leave it," he said with a sigh, rathering they had it there and not need it then not have it and find out they did. "Perhaps I can take a look at it though and figure out how to make it stronger."

As he considered her other suggestions, trying to figure out how they could make them reality, he smiled when she noted that she had obviously been hungry. "Well, we have had a busy day, so I would imagine we both needed this." He held up his own carton, which he was still working his way through. Setting it aside for a moment, he then reached up his hand up to press against her cheek and looked into her eyes. "You were looking a bit pale before, but you have a bit of your color back. Are you feeling any less tired?"


crazy_lil_fred September 13 2006, 03:25:46 UTC
Fred leaned into Wesley's touch and shrugged a little. "I feel like I haven't slept in days. I've been feeling this way for a few days now. I think it's just the stress of packing and moving and knowing things are different now. I'm sure once things settle down a little, I'll start to feel better," she said as she leaned against him and started to pick at her food. "Plus, I have my checkup tomorrow and I'll talk to my doctor about it and see what she says."

She picked up her carton of food and slowly ate the rest of it. When she was finished, she threw the empty carton away before excusing herself. She went to the bathroom and washed up before pulling her hair back. Fred came back out to the room and climbed back on the bed.

"You know, with us in charge of the place, we can do what we want. I've always wondered what it'd be like to have sex on your desk downstairs. With all your books and papers still there. I know how flustered you get when someone messes up your research, and you're really hot when you're flustered," she said, crawling over to him and kissing him.


gfs_wesleypryce September 15 2006, 01:25:45 UTC
Wesley furrowed his brow at Fred's admission that she felt like she hadn't slept in days. He knew moving was stressful, and God knew everything they had been through hadn't been easy on either of them. He just didn't like the idea of Fred being sick. He never had since he had first met her. He had wanted to take away her pain when she had first locked herself in her room, and ever since then had hated every seeing her in pain or crying, which was why he had pulled away when he himself had caused that.

"Would you like me to come with you?" he asked softly, relieved to hear that she was going to see a doctor. He rather wanted to go to make sure that she was all right, but if she didn't want her to, he wouldn't push. Well, not much. Oh, who was he kidding? There was no way he'd let her go by herself, but he didn't want her to think that he was being overbearing.

"It might be nice to see the waiting room of a doctor's office for once," he told her, trying to make a joke. Probably not a successful one. It wasn't his strong point.

While she was in the bathroom, he finished his food and tossed the carton in the bin. She definitely looked much better than she had before, but when she crawled over to him, talking about having sex on his desk, Wesley didn't know whether to be concerned and say no or throw her over his shoulder and take her downstairs to shag her. Especially when she kissed him.

When they broke apart, he looked up at her uncertainly. "I--I...Fred, if you're not feeling well, maybe it's...that's not a good idea. Right now, I mean. There's nothing to stop us...erm, doing that later, but perhaps..." He suddenly stopped when he realized what he was doing, raising an eyebrow at her. "I do believe you got my flustered without even touching my books."

He ran his hand up and down her arm. "Love, as much as I will always want you and love you, if you're not up to it, we can wait. I can control my urges for you for one night."


crazy_lil_fred September 15 2006, 22:28:06 UTC
Even though she wanted to be with him, Fred knew Wesley was right. She was still feeling very tired and didn't think having sex was going to help matters. "You're right. I should probably just rest since my appointment is early in the morning," she said before lying down on the bed. "And if you want to come with me you can, but you'll to out in the waiting room while I get my exam because it's sort of a girl type exam, and since you've seen it already, there's no need for you to be back there, embarrassing my doctor."

She reached up and tugged on his arm to pull him down to the bed. Fred then snuggled up against him and let out a content sigh. "I could do this for the rest of my life, although I'd have to get up and take showers and eat but it's nice. And you're warm," she said as she snuggled closer. "You should get some flannel pajamas for the winter nights."

Moving again, she leaned on one of her elbows and looked at Wesley. "When did you know?" she asked with a curious look on her face. "When did you know you loved me?" Fred knew his feelings for her went back to before she had feelings for him, but she didn't know how far back.


gfs_wesleypryce September 16 2006, 05:14:58 UTC
Wesley raised his eyebrow, wondering how him being there would embarrass the doctor since it was his or her job to check her out and he would just be there for support, but if Fred didn't want him in there, he wouldn't push. At least he would be there if she needed him.

Allowing her to pull him down, he wrapped his arms around her, content to hold her. He chuckled when she mentioned staying there forever - he certainly wouldn't have minded. Nothing but holding her for the rest of his life was definitely his idea of heaven. Although he wasn't so sure about the flannel pajamas. This was Los Angeles after all. Even winter wasn't truly winter.

Then suddenly, she asked her question. About his feelings. Opening his eyes, he found himself swallowing hard. Would she think him strange if he told her? He knew she loved him but would an admission weird her out, as Buffy and the others would say?

"I...erm...uh...well..." He took a deep breath as he looked up into her gaze. Sometimes he felt like he might fall completely into the dark depths of her eyes. "I knew when we working together on the books in Pylea to find a way home. I knew then that you were special, that you were the girl I had been waiting my whole life to meet, but I tried not to...I knew that you weren't... I swore that I would never push you, not after everything you had been through. I didn't want you to be hurt anymore after that. But it was then. That was when I started falling."


crazy_lil_fred September 17 2006, 07:19:54 UTC
Fred snuggled down on the bed as she waited for Wesley to answer her question. She was curious and had always wondered about it. When he started to stutter, she gave him a frown, and was ready to tell him he didn't need to answer. Suddenly, he started to tell her and Fred could feel her throat start to tighten. He had loved him since then?

"Oh, Wesley," she whispered as she blinked back some tears. "I...that's the sweetest thing anyone has ever said to me. If I would've known..." She trailed off, remembering the crush she'd had on him. "I had such a crush on you back then. That's why I was always in your office, and leaning over your shoulder. I didn't know how to flirt back then and I didn't think you'd want me."

She shrugged a little and looked down. "I always thought you were too smart for me and too good because I'd spent five years in a cave, and you were all proper and English," Fred looked up and grinned. "You're still English but not always proper." She giggled a little and leaned forward and softly kissed him.

"It doesn't though. We're together now and it doesn't matter when it happened. This is the most happiest I've been...in years," Fred honestly said. She hadn't even felt this way for Gunn. "And I'm never going to leave you. I'm going to be here until I'm old and gray, wandering the halls with a microscope."

She yawned softly and tugged the blanket over them. "Thank you for loving me, Wesley," Fred quietly said as she nuzzled his neck.


gfs_wesleypryce September 20 2006, 05:06:52 UTC
"I always wanted you," he told her softly. "I just...I was never certain in relationships back then, especially not after the circumstances under which my previous one broke up. And when...when I almost--I was afraid..."

He shook his head, knowing that she was right. The past didn't matter. They were together now and always would be, as long as he had something to say about it. He rather liked the idea of being with her when they were both old and grey. It was a hard thing to think about given the life they were a part of, but with her, it was something that he rather liked and found himself able to think about.

"You're right, love. We're together now, and I love you very much," he told her as he held her to him as they snuggled down under the covers. "You don't have to thank me for loving you, though. I always will."

He kissed her temple and then closed his eyes, lying there, memorizing the moment until he felt that she had fallen asleep. A little while later, he fell asleep as well, dreaming of making their life in the Hyperion. Before, dreaming of something like this with her had been just out of reach, but no longer. She was there with him, and she loved him.

The sunlight coming through the curtain the next morning woke Wesley up. Opening his eyes, he looked over the clock, realizing just how much the move had taken out of him. He could only imagine how Fred would be feeling, considering that she hadn't been feeling well at all lately.

Which reminded him that he had promised her he'd take her to the doctor's. He looked down at her in his arms and pressed his lips to her forehead.

"Fred," he whispered. "Fred, love, we need to get up. You have your appointment this morning."


crazy_lil_fred September 20 2006, 16:54:02 UTC
Continued here


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