
Aug 27, 2006 20:23

Continued from here.

A weekend on the mountain )

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gfs_wesleypryce August 30 2006, 02:13:51 UTC
Wesley nodded when Fred agreed with him, noting that things had been a bit crowded there. Four floors, and Fred, Gunn, Lorne and Angel had all lived on the same first floor. He had stayed over a few times himself during everything that had happened, so he understood exactly what she was saying. Especially when things had been tense between all of them - that had been the worse.

"I think putting in a library and a lab would be a wonderful idea," he told her after finishing one of the halves of his sandwich. "The office was getting a bit crowded with all the books in there, and the desk was never the ideal place when we needed to run experiments on specimens."

He pushed down the memory of what had happened the time he had been stupid about the handling of one such specimen. It was in the past, he had to remind himself. And Fred wouldn't be here with him right now if he wasn't a good man. He would never allow himself to become his father, no matter what. Not to Fred. Not to their children. If they had children. He didn't know if they would, but he swore he wouldn't treat them the way his father and treated him.

Reaching over, he took her hand in his, knowing that he'd be able to do it with Fred by his side. He gave her a smile and lifted her hand to place a kiss on her knuckles.

"I think we'll be just fine, love," he told her. "In fact, I know we will."


crazy_lil_fred August 30 2006, 04:15:22 UTC
Fred smiled, happy that Wesley had liked her idea. She knew she could get some used lab equipment for the hotel. There was a few people she'd met through the agency that could help. She finished off her sandwich and wiped her hands off before he took one of them kissed it.

"We will," she said with a smile. She stood from the table and pulled him up. "We should go for that walk now. It'll be late soon and I'd like to see the lake before it gets too chilly outside." She went over to one of her bags and pulled out a digital camera she'd gotten a few weeks before.

Fred then pulled out a pair of sneakers, knowing she couldn't walk down there in her sandals. "Hopefully we'll see some more wildlife. As long as it isn't a bear or something," she said, standing up. She went over to Wesley wrapped her arms around him. "I'm ready when you are, sweetie."


gfs_wesleypryce August 31 2006, 02:26:39 UTC
Nodding when Fred said she wanted to go for their walk before it got too late, Wesley finished off his sandwich and soda while Fred changed her shoes. He was already wearing his boots, so he figured he didn't need to change. He wasn't sure he wanted to go walking in this terrain in his trainers anyway.

He did, however, find his light jacket since it was fairly cool on the mountain and slipped it on right before Fred walked over and wrapped his arms around him. It felt so good, having her touch him this way, so natural and spontaneous.

"I'm ready," he said, taking her hand and gently pulling her around in front of him. Giving her a kiss, he then made sure he had the cabin key in his pocket and led her outside, pulling the door shut behind him.

The trail leading down to the lake was beautiful, with large trees and rock outcroppings and a view that was utterly fantastic. Although not quite as fantastic as the woman walking beside him. Birds flew overhead, and a cool breeze moved through the trees, rustling the leaves. With no one else out there, it was almost enough to make Wesley think they could be the only people in the world.

He looked over toward a nearby outcropping and suddenly stopped. "Fred," he warned her in a low voice.

Sitting there, apparently sunning himself, was a cougar.


crazy_lil_fred August 31 2006, 04:24:58 UTC
It was a beautiful day out and Fred was enjoying herself. When she was little, she'd went to Colorado a few times with her parents since she had some cousins living there. She had always liked walking along the mountain trails, seeing the different kinds of flowers and wildlife. But, doing it with Wesley made it even better.

She pointed out some flowers she remembered from when she was in Campfire Girls. She also took a few pictures, and could see the lake in the distance. Stopping for a moment, she took a picture of the lake, surrounded by towering pine trees. She was about to say something to Wesley when he stopped and said her name.

"What?" she asked, following his gaze. She jumped a little when she saw the cougar lying there. "No need to panic. We should probably turn back around and maybe run?"

Tugging on Wesley's hand, she turned and started to run toward the cabin. Were they supposed to run away from cougars? The hell if she knew but she was doing it anyway. And when she saw the cabin in view, she started to run faster to the front door. It was locked so she stood by it and bounced around, waiting for Wesley to unlock it.


gfs_wesleypryce September 2 2006, 00:27:22 UTC
When Fred asked what they should, Wesley was about to tell her that if the cougar was awake, they shouldn't run. They needed to try to scare it off by making noises and throwing things and waving their arms to make themselves look bigger - at least that was what worked for Cougari demons, which were offshoots, and he had been told it worked for cougars as well.

But before he could, he found himself being dragged up the trail by Fred. He looked back, hoping to all that was still good in the world that the cougar was indeed asleep. Soon, though, he was more worried about them just getting back to the cabin in case it was awake since they were already committed to running like hell.

He felt Fred tug at his hand and move faster when the cabin came into view, and reaching the porch, he began fishing in his pockets for the key. The adrenaline running through him made it difficult for him, but funny, he fumbled it out and into the door. As soon as the door was opened, he guided Fred inside and then shut the door behind them, locking it and leaning against it.

"Erm...is now a good time to say that running away from a cougar is usually not a good idea?" he asked before reaching over and embracing her tightly. "Except for this time. Thank you for getting us out of there - I don't know if I could have made my legs work there."


crazy_lil_fred September 2 2006, 03:47:24 UTC
When they got back into the cabin, Fred leaned down to catch her breath. She looked up at Wesley when he told her they shouldn't run from cougars. "Oh," she muttered with a shrug. "I didn't know. I thought running was a good thing, y'know. If you run you won't be caught. Although, cougars are fast and it would've probably caught us."

Giving Wesley a sheepish look, she wrapped her arms around him as he embraced her. "You're welcome. I didn't want you to die again because I don't think CPR would save you this time," she said before wincing. "Sorry. That was a really bad joke."

Fred remained in Wesley's arms for a few more minutes until she saw the hot tub in the corner. It'd been years since she'd been in one, and that was with her parents. The thought of being in one with Wesley made her smile. "You know," she said, pulling away from him, "my muscles are a little sore from that running. We should spend some time in the hot tub."


gfs_wesleypryce September 2 2006, 21:35:39 UTC
"Apparently, cougars don't like trying to fight things that it sees as threatening it, but I think we lucked out. The sun must have put it to sleep," Wesley told her, continuing to hold her tight. "Although, look at us. We've fought demons and vampires and faced down a Beast from Hell, and we get all worked up over a cougar."

He shook his head with a smile although the smile froze for a moment at her joke, the memory of what had happened in the sewer still a bit sore. He hated to think how close they had come to being parted from each other after finally admitting their feeling to each other. "It's okay," he said. "I'm here. You're here. That's all that really matters. And running away worked this time. Hopefully, we'll never run into another cougar again as long as we live."

When Fred mentioned the hot tub, he looked over it, his smile widening. "I think that sounds like a marvellous idea." He looked at the tub, then down at themselves. "Although, since I didn't bring anything that would be appropriate for swimming, I would imagine that we'll have to do this..."

Reaching down, he started helping her out of her clothes, pulling off her top and jeans and shoes, then looking at her bra and panties with raised eyebrows before reaching to help her out of those too. She was so beautiful, he thought. He then got rid of his own clothes, and once they were both naked, he took her hand and led her over to the tub, turning it on before helping her in.


crazy_lil_fred September 3 2006, 01:16:52 UTC
Fred shivered as Wesley undressed her. No matter how many times he did it, it would always feel like the first time. She chewed on her bottom lip as he undressed himself. He was so beautiful and seeing him naked made her moan. "You always come up with the best plans," she told him as he led her to the hot tub.

When it was ready for them, Fred allowed Wesley to help her in. Once he was seated, she straddled his lap and smiled at him. "This feels nice," she whispered before softly kissing his lips. "We should get one of these for the hotel. It'll be nice to have something to relax in after killing nests of vampires and demons."

She nuzzled his neck and pulled back so she could look in his eyes. "I have a surprise for you but you'll have to wait until later," Fred teasingly said as she leaned back down and nibbled his neck.


gfs_wesleypryce September 3 2006, 06:04:21 UTC
When Fred slipped onto his lap once they were in the hot tub, he had to bite back a groan. Did she know what she did to him just with her proximity? Having her naked and stradling him caused even more of a reaction, and if she slid forward any further, she'd feel exactly what she did to him.

"This...this is very nice," he managed to say before losing himself for a moment in the feel of her lips. She was absolutely magnificent. When she suggested getting one for the hotel, he briefly wondered if he'd ever get any work done again, but then smiled, rather not caring in a way. So long as he had Fred, that was all that mattered. "I think that would be quite nice."

As she began kissing his neck, he let out a groan, wrapping his arms around her and caressing his fingertips up and down her back. "Surprise?" he asked before letting out a groan when he felt her teeth and tongue on his skin. "You're quite a tease, Fred Burkle. A lovely tease, though."

He kissed her shoulder, moaning a bit, definitely feeling himself hardening now with what she was doing. "Fred," he managed to choke out. "Not sure what...what you had in mind for us, but...this...might not be the best place for this..." He took her hand and softly touched it to his erection before letting it go. "You have quite an effect on me as you can see."


crazy_lil_fred September 3 2006, 06:58:03 UTC
Fred smiled when she felt how hard Wesley was. She loved getting reactions like that out of him. As she sat there and stared at him, she decided he was right - it wasn't the best place to make love. Besides, they couldn't easily use a condom in the water. "Since you've been such a good boy, I think I'll give you your surprise early," she said, slipping out of the hot tub.

Picking up a towel, Fred went to the bedroom and dried herself off. She then opened up her suitcase and dug to the bottom of it where a small package was lying. Fred took it out and took the outfit out of it. When Wesley and her had decided to go on their little trip, she had wanted to get something nice for him. Since she had never bought lingerie before, she had to depend on the saleswoman's advice.

The first part she put on was a pair of silky thong panties. She then picked up the main part - a midnight blue strapless corset with black lace - and slipped it over her head. Fred smiled at bit at how well the corset lifted her breasts and made them look bigger. Next was a pair of thigh-high pantyhose socks. At the bottom of the corset was two garter belts that connected to the top of the pantyhose. Once she had them snapped on, she turned and looked at herself in the mirror.

After pulled her hair up, Fred took a deep breath, hoping Wesley would like the outfit. She had a second thought about it, but pushed it aside and picked up her towel. She wrapped it around her again and stepped out into the living room. Clearing her throat, she dropped the towel when Wesley turned to look at her. "Like it?" she asked, with a shy smile.


gfs_wesleypryce September 4 2006, 04:44:01 UTC
As Fred slipped out of the tub, Wesley took a deep breath, trying to bring himself under control before he got out himself. He could only imagine what her surprise could be, and his mind was actually spinning with possibilities.

Finally, after a couple of minutes, he pushed himself out of the tub, grabbing the other towel that had been left and drying himself off. He reached for his boxers and pulled them on, hissing a bit at the material rubbing against his erection. Maybe putting those back on was a bad idea, he thought.

However, thought flew out the window a few moments later when Fred came out of the bedroom. He turned around at the sound of her clearing her throat and felt his jaw drop when she dropped the towel.

She was...that was...oh, god, she looked...

The sight of her standing there, dressed in the corset, her hair piled on her head...Wesley felt his heart pounding as his mouth went dry. His cock immediately began throbbing with admiration and love and want. "You...you're..." he tried to say.

He forced himself to take a deep breath and managed to walk over to her, looking down into her eyes as his hands ran up over the corset to cup her face.

"You're a goddess," he whispered. "My beautiful goddess."

Leaning down, he kissed her deeply, wrapping his arm around her and pulling her tightly against him.


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