
Oct 28, 2006 23:14

Continued from here.

Worried for a love )

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crazy_lil_fred November 16 2006, 04:08:50 UTC
Fred gave Wesley an amused look as he sat up, confused. It was a rare thing for her to wake up before him. Usually, when she woke up, he was already awake and watching her sleep. "It's pretty late, I guess all of us needed some sleep," she said as she placed her hand on her still-flat stomach. She furrowed her brow a little when Wesley said he had been visited by Cordy too.

Suddenly, Wesley was talking about the wedding and Fred grinned. "I think that's a great idea, sweetie." She looked over at the calendar for a moment and shook her head. "Since it's Tuesday, my parents won't be home until later. I can talk to them and see what day would be good for them." Fred knew her parents would drop anything for her but she didn't want to impose on them.

She reached over and handed Wesley a cup of the tea. Her stomach was doing a few flips and she took a deep breath. "This morning sickness..." she muttered as she shook her head. Gently rubbing her stomach she looked over at him. "Do we have anything important to do or can we stay in bed all day? I love being pregnant with our baby but it's really draining me."


gfs_wesleypryce November 22 2006, 04:07:46 UTC
They decided to take it easy that day, but after that, things went into a blur. Wesley got some contractors he trusted in to work on the flat on the top floor - contractors with certain...skills that meant that their new home in the hotel would be ready in about one-quarter of the time that normal builders usually took. They also started getting the agency ready for its grand reopening with a new website and new cards.

But a great deal of their focus over the following month went towards getting ready for the wedding. As Fred wanted, they made plans to go to Texas, to get married at her parents' farm. That took a bit of the burden off them as Trish threw herself in to getting things sorted for them that they couldn't do from Los Angeles, but they still had several things to do before they could head down.

A few days before the day they had scheduled for the wedding, they flew down to San Antonio. Trish and Roger picked them, and Trish chattered all the way back to the farm about what she had been doing for their wedding. Roger, however, was rather quiet.

Until they got back.

"Fred, baby, you'll be in your own room. Your momma's done it up for you." He then turned to Wesley and smiled. "Wes, you'll be in the attic 'til the night of the wedding."

Wesley looked over at Fred, having not expected that, but not wanting to say anything, especially since the Burkles were being so kind as to host them. Fred was their daughter, yes, but Wesley still wanted to respect their wishes. "All...all right."

"Oh, and you wouldn't mind helping me clear out the barn, would you?" he asked. "We were thinking we could have the reception in there, but it needs a good cleaning."

"Of...of course."


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