Ain't I on a Roll Today!

Oct 03, 2008 00:04

Ok, I hate to be a *HATER* but I fucking have to say that I hate my roommate, Simrun. That girl has had people over EVERY NIGHT THIS WEEK and when I say people, I mean a HORDE of LOUD, DRUNKEN fucking stupid GUYS! UGH! WTF? I thought we were students living in residence not a fucking bar! Can you tell I'm mad? Fuck! And I had shit due like 3 days this week plus shit due on Monday and Tuesday coming. Do I sound like the type of person who has time for this shit??

I find that I'm being really pissy but that might just be because of lack of sleep, stress and whatnot(towear, lol. no.). I have developed some problems and I'm going to see a counselor tomorrow most likely or at least make an appointment. I don't wanna talk about it but I feel I need to and the last thing I want to here is "you need to take care of yourself" or anything to that effect which is why I'm going to talk to a person who knows me not and doesn't really give a fuck.

I don't even know why I'm writing this. Fuck! Just fuck it all!

And that Simrun thing, I've got three choices and I'm gonna not be fair and DO THEM ALL. I'm gonna talk to her, talk to Kim (Don) and then fucking call Don on Duty every time she has people here and make a noise complaint. I'm sick of this shit. And she's a fucking slob too. It's her turn to clean the bathroom, we have a house check this Monday and there is her fucking hair all over the bathroom floor. she won;t empty the fucking filter I BOUGHT to stop the fucking hair from clogging the drain so we don't have to get maintenance to come in and unblock it AGAIN.

I wish there was something I could just take for this... like drugs or something. But there isn't. And even if there was, I couldn't afford it so I'll just stay my ass where I am and keep popping Vit C. Maybe soon I'll have to move on to antacids. HAR fucking HAR.

I don't want to feel anymore, or think. It hurts. Why won't it just end for me?

*immerses self in homework to attempt numbness*

random rantings

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